For the Church, President Noy, and the legislators
The United States whose constitution was framed with God in mind, was blessed tremendously by God. But because they don’t want to acknowledge Him in classrooms, did away with the rod to discipline their children, the government does not want the Church to meddle with the affairs of the government, allowed divorce, abortion, and allowed same sex marriage in some states. Morality has degenerated, and killing and suicide is rampant.
The once beautiful America, a very powerful country, is now saddled by massive debts.
Let’s go back to the time of Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, James Madison, and some justices of the U.S and the Church on the separation of state and government. Read More
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Philippines Disasters: Floods, Mudslides, Volcano Eruption, Quakes
Flood, landslides kill 13 in Philippines
More quakes recorded at Bulusan
The Philippines is not spared of calamities, the latest of which are the floods, mudslides in the northern part of the Philippines, the eruption of Bulusan, and the earthquake in the southern part.
We are a prayerful nation, but prayer should come from the heart. If one of the ten commandments is broken or any of the capital sins committed, under the acronym PALEGAS, that is, pride, anger, lust, envy, greed, avarice, and sloth; we sin. Pray that we be strengthened against temptations.
The government and the Church have a big role in leading the people to the right path.
The humans laws which will be violating God's law are embodied in the following bills:
Reproductive Health Bill (RH Bill)
The proposed bill of not using the rod on children
Bringing sexual education in school
Thinking about a sin is already sinning. "Maghunosdili kayo legislators".
Look what happened to countries who legalized abortion, not using the rod on children, introduced sex education in school. Parents are crying bitter tears for the immoral and wild behavior of their children.
Please be guided the scripture and the end time messages of our Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary
Proverbs 13:24, 23:13-14
End-Times Messages
Sex Education - Obligation Of Parents
No Sex Education In Schools
More quakes recorded at Bulusan
The Philippines is not spared of calamities, the latest of which are the floods, mudslides in the northern part of the Philippines, the eruption of Bulusan, and the earthquake in the southern part.
We are a prayerful nation, but prayer should come from the heart. If one of the ten commandments is broken or any of the capital sins committed, under the acronym PALEGAS, that is, pride, anger, lust, envy, greed, avarice, and sloth; we sin. Pray that we be strengthened against temptations.
The government and the Church have a big role in leading the people to the right path.
The humans laws which will be violating God's law are embodied in the following bills:
Reproductive Health Bill (RH Bill)
The proposed bill of not using the rod on children
Bringing sexual education in school
Thinking about a sin is already sinning. "Maghunosdili kayo legislators".
Look what happened to countries who legalized abortion, not using the rod on children, introduced sex education in school. Parents are crying bitter tears for the immoral and wild behavior of their children.
Please be guided the scripture and the end time messages of our Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary
Proverbs 13:24, 23:13-14
He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Do not withhold discipline from a child;
if you punish him with the rod, he will not die.
Punish him with the rod
and save his soul from death.
End-Times Messages
"Do not allow your children to be taken from you in spirit. The forces of evil, of darkness, are increasing in their intensity. You will find now that there has been developed in your scientific world a manner of mind control through scientific machinery and human mind-manipulation. In this manner will the governing bodies of many nations seek to control your children, and in that manner control the parent." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 24, 1979
Sex Education - Obligation Of Parents
Jesus - "My child, I do not wish to burden you any longer with the miseries upon earth. I wish to talk only a while, a little bit, about the children of earth, the young children. The parents must be very careful, My children, who you send your children to be taught from. Much evil is being developed in the schools in the name of sexuality. Why cannot we have our children pure of thought and mind? How can we, My children, when the teachers there are being taught to bring in sex education to your children? This belongs not in the schools, but in the homes. This is an obligation of the parents. It will only lead to much greater disaster by having this sex education in the school system." (10-2-87)
No Sex Education In Schools
Jesus - "My child, I know much of this discourse distresses your heart, but you can imagine well - and I know you do, My child Veronica - the sorrow My Mother feels now that sex education has entered upon the school system. We say unto you, and I say to you, as your God, My children: Mothers and fathers of the world, you will not give over your children to be taught by demons! Satan has many loosed upon earth now. They enter into the bodies of any man, woman or child who has fallen out of grace; and they enter into the bodies of those who teach your children error.tldm
"It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls - the mother, the father. But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on upon earth - living together without unions under God. No, My children, that shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it will also be by sickness and death of the soul!
"My children, it was never deemed by Heaven, nor the Eternal Father - as written in the good Book of life and love, your Bible, that man shall not cohort with man; man shall not cohabit with man, and man shall not seek diversion from his home by setting out to seduce another.
"My child, and My children, are there many strong homes left in the United States, Canada, and many homes of the world? No, My children, the standards have been lowered. And when the standards are lowered, satan takes over." (6-6-87)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Communism and Atheism are Brothers
During the time (late 60s) of a tyrant leader in our country, the Philippines, many high school and college students rebelled. They demonstrated on the streets, young and idealistic students who could not stand oppression in the country. It was also during this time that communism proliferated. However, an error cannot be corrected by another error.
Tyranny lasted for two decades until the election of a God-fearing president, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino. And yet some groups lusted power, so they tried to overthrow her government. She was able to finish her term through her prayer and the citizens' prayer.
After an era of corruption , scandal, lies, and grand spending, the son of Cory Aquino, Noynoy Aquino, was elected, giving the people hope in the Philippines.
If the head of the government is God-fearing, we have to submit.
Romans 13:1
Be wary of schools that churn out atheists. They will turn your children into prideful, disobedient, uncaring ones.
Our focus should not only be academic, but the spiritual nourishment of the children as well.
To underscore the horror of communism and atheism, read the messages of our Lord Jesus and Our Lady
"My children, I could give you many names that would encompass and describe the entrance of satan into your world: the forces of communism, the forces of atheism. O My children, what manner of words can describe the activity of these agents? They promote delusion: they promote heresy, defilement, misconceptions. And as satan is the father of all liars, they, too, are liars." - Our Lady, November 19, 1977
"And, My children, it does not take much knowledge or a learned being to understand that Heaven alerts you now to the dangers of the onslaught of communism. Satan, being at the controls, will soon have one who is possessed, and of, also, a major rank in the world today, to press that one little technical, technological wizard, not in human form but in mechanical form. Like a robot, this will go forth among the nations, and nations shall disappear from the earth in the short time of three to five minutes." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985
During the time (late 60s) of a tyrant leader in our country, the Philippines, many high school and college students rebelled. They demonstrated on the streets, young and idealistic students who could not stand oppression in the country. It was also during this time that communism proliferated. However, an error cannot be corrected by another error.
Tyranny lasted for two decades until the election of a God-fearing president, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino. And yet some groups lusted power, so they tried to overthrow her government. She was able to finish her term through her prayer and the citizens' prayer.
After an era of corruption , scandal, lies, and grand spending, the son of Cory Aquino, Noynoy Aquino, was elected, giving the people hope in the Philippines.
If the head of the government is God-fearing, we have to submit.
Romans 13:1
Everyone must submit himself to the government authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. He who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment in themselves.
Be wary of schools that churn out atheists. They will turn your children into prideful, disobedient, uncaring ones.
Our focus should not only be academic, but the spiritual nourishment of the children as well.
To underscore the horror of communism and atheism, read the messages of our Lord Jesus and Our Lady
"My children, I do not wish to place fear in your heart, but I cannot allow you to go forward without knowing what is happening about you. I assure you, My children, it is not productive to keep the truth from all and to substitute a climate of false hope and false peace. Know, My children, it is by peace, peace, peace-when the world cries peace the highest and the loudest, know that the destruction is at hand! Do you think there is honesty among thieves? Do you think there is honesty among atheists? Are you so blind, My children, not to recognize that communism has a great hold upon your country and the countries of the world?LIARS
"O My children, I warned you many years ago, I warned you in Fatima that, unless you prayed and did penance, Russia and the agents of the sickle and the hammer would go throughout the world cutting down nations and bringing death, destruction, and slavery." - Our Lady, April 2, 1977
"My children, I could give you many names that would encompass and describe the entrance of satan into your world: the forces of communism, the forces of atheism. O My children, what manner of words can describe the activity of these agents? They promote delusion: they promote heresy, defilement, misconceptions. And as satan is the father of all liars, they, too, are liars." - Our Lady, November 19, 1977
"One arm of the octopus is communism, atheistic communism. This arm of the octopus will promote discontent, revolution, death. This arm of the octopus will seek to remove Christianity from the earth. O woe unto a man who joins this force!" - Our Lady, June 10, 1978DARKNESS OF THE SPIRIT
"My children of the world, you stand now upon a hill, a hill that you have built upon humanistic values and materialistic manners, as you sought to build a world of your own, cutting off the light, and building a utopia, built with humanism and socialism, and communism-all under the heading of love and brotherhood, but covered with a blanket of darkness of the spirit. For this, the Eternal Father has allowed you to pursue your own course. The awakening shall come in shock to many." - Jesus, November 20, 1979HAND ON THE BUTTON
"And, My children, it does not take much knowledge or a learned being to understand that Heaven alerts you now to the dangers of the onslaught of communism. Satan, being at the controls, will soon have one who is possessed, and of, also, a major rank in the world today, to press that one little technical, technological wizard, not in human form but in mechanical form. Like a robot, this will go forth among the nations, and nations shall disappear from the earth in the short time of three to five minutes." - Our Lady, July 1, 1985
"There is now a plan in the national and international seat of satan . . . . It is a group, My child, that is united with other groups throughout the world. They have one plan in mind: to bring about the fall of all nations and the introduction of communism to all nations, by destroying the young with drugs and all manners of debasity." - Our Lady, June 18, 1987
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
RH Bill: the Spiritual & Physical Aspect
Why are some Catholics and the others sects trying to stop the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill (RH)? Because they are followers of God's law, the Ten Commandments, and not the human law. You break one of the commandments,and you will find yourself in the pit of the abyss or eternal damnation.The 5th commandment says "Do not kill."
Our Lord says there is life at the time of conception:
Bill 96 proponent Edcel Lagman, other politicians, doctors, other lay people who are indifferet, anti-life citizens,
Bishop Ramon Arguelles is holding a prolife rally in Batangas.
The rally coincides with the start of a three-day congress of Human Life International (HLI) for Asia and Oceania in Makati City.
On the physical effect of the contraceptives to women, learn about it by attending the 17th Asia-Pacific Congress on Faith, Life and Family at the Dusit Hotel from November 6 to 8 by HLI for Asia and Oceania. Its executive director Ligaya Acosta said: “I pray that our clergy, religious and lay leaders will take this opportunity to know much more about the global agenda, and the many deceptions [and] subtle attacks against life and family," in an article posted on the CBCP news site.
Preceding the congress will be a three-day international pro-life training for the clergy, religious and lay leaders of Asia and Oceania from Wednesday to Friday.
Catholics to hold prolife rally in Batangas
Why don't the Bishops, the CBCP, do the same, hold an indignation rally, to call the attention of our legislators, President Noy? Follow the example of Vatican Cardinal- designate Raymond Burke.
1000 Rabbis Join Vatican Cardinal-designate Raymond Burke in Absolutely Prohibiting Voting for Anti-Life, Anti-Family Candidates...
Remember the names/faces of the politicians of the pro RH Bill. Cast your votes for anti RH Bill poliiticians.
Our Lord says there is life at the time of conception:
HOLY SPIRITWarning to those who will endorse the RH Bill.
"At the time of conception, the Holy Spirit makes the child, and the breath of the Almighty gives it life." - Our Lady, June 18, 1991
"The Eternal Father commands that you stop these murders at once! You will not destroy the lives of the unborn. Human life is sacred in the eyes of your God. No man has the right to destroy a life. The Father, He sends this life to you, and only He will decide when it will return back to the Kingdom.
"Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you who cry to you of no space left for man. There is space, for My Father has a plan for every life He sends." - Our Lady, August 5, 1971
Contraceptives abort the embryo.
"All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed!" - Jesus, June 2, 1979
"And what, My children, are We going to do with all the aborted babies? O My child, I know you feel as I do, for I can see the great distress on your face. What are We going to do, My child? Do you understand when they come to Us, they must go to Limbo? They are in Heaven, a happy place, but they cannot see God." - Our Lady, October 2, 1987
Bill 96 proponent Edcel Lagman, other politicians, doctors, other lay people who are indifferet, anti-life citizens,
"The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell. Among them there will also be mitres." - Our Lady, October 6, 1980
"Doctors now are profaning their profession, those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions." - Jesus, June 6, 1987
"Know, My child, this simple lesson, that in these days of the latter times, women will seek to cast off their role as mother and a woman. Women will cast it off under the direction of satan, and murder her children. Woe to the woman who does not repent of this vile abomination! She has walked the road to eternal damnation and hell. Repent, O woman, or forever be lost!" - Our Lady, March 18, 1975
"Our hearts are torn because of the wanton murder of the young by evil man. Abortion, My children, is murder, the most foulest of deeds, that is punishable by death! And what is worse than death of the soul?
"I say unto you, as your Mother, that any man or woman who performs or takes part of this abomination of the murder of the unborn shall be given a heavy penance upon earth, or if this penance is not given upon earth, that person found guilty in the eyes of his God shall suffer eternal damnation in the fires of hell." - Our Lady, December 28, 1976
Bishop Ramon Arguelles is holding a prolife rally in Batangas.
The rally coincides with the start of a three-day congress of Human Life International (HLI) for Asia and Oceania in Makati City.
On the physical effect of the contraceptives to women, learn about it by attending the 17th Asia-Pacific Congress on Faith, Life and Family at the Dusit Hotel from November 6 to 8 by HLI for Asia and Oceania. Its executive director Ligaya Acosta said: “I pray that our clergy, religious and lay leaders will take this opportunity to know much more about the global agenda, and the many deceptions [and] subtle attacks against life and family," in an article posted on the CBCP news site.
Preceding the congress will be a three-day international pro-life training for the clergy, religious and lay leaders of Asia and Oceania from Wednesday to Friday.
Catholics to hold prolife rally in Batangas
Why don't the Bishops, the CBCP, do the same, hold an indignation rally, to call the attention of our legislators, President Noy? Follow the example of Vatican Cardinal- designate Raymond Burke.
1000 Rabbis Join Vatican Cardinal-designate Raymond Burke in Absolutely Prohibiting Voting for Anti-Life, Anti-Family Candidates...
Remember the names/faces of the politicians of the pro RH Bill. Cast your votes for anti RH Bill poliiticians.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Contraceptives= Population Control
The Philippines is not over-populated. Some cities/municipalities are padding their respective population statistics for budget allocation purposes. This reason is only secondary to God's curse that our country would be suffering. Your achievement on "no-to-corruption" drive would be nullified.
I beg you President Aquino, reconsider your position on the Reproductive Health Bill. Population Control is for the Richest of the Rich, for their vested interest.
Listen to the voice of God:
I beg you President Aquino, reconsider your position on the Reproductive Health Bill. Population Control is for the Richest of the Rich, for their vested interest.
Listen to the voice of God:
There are many ways to kill the children now, even poisoning their food, poisoning their toys. Be not deceived, the son's of satan call this population control. It's all part of their plan as even the air you breath is poisoned full of death and destruction and disease. But ask the new world order, those in their secret society and if they were to tell you their secrets they would tell you it's all about population control. Only the rich shall survive. The richest of the rich, but I am confounding the enemy. Those covered in MY Son's shed Blood at Calvary, those who call out to YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. That blood is their immunity. Keep praying, keep asking, keep reminding ME to take MY vengeance on those who spread the poison in the sky and MY vengeance shall come on those who created these formulas of death, disease and destruction (and) the politicians who allow it.
"At the time of conception, the Holy Spirit makes the child, and the breath of the Almighty gives it life." - Our Lady, June 18, 1991tldm
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The United Nations & Our Lady's Message
The United Nations Organization (UNO) or simply the United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace. The UN was founded in 1945 after World War II to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars between countries, and to provide a platform for dialogue. It contains multiple subsidiary organizations to carry out its missions.
There are currently 192 member states, including nearly every sovereign state in the world. From its offices around the world, the UN and its specialized agencies decide on substantive and administrative issues in regular meetings held throughout the year. The organization has six principal organs: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security); the Economic and Social Council (for assisting in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); Wikipedia
Does the UN really achieve its aim of cooperation, or is there a vested interest among the developed countries.See what Our lady said about the UN:
See what Our Lady had to say:
There are currently 192 member states, including nearly every sovereign state in the world. From its offices around the world, the UN and its specialized agencies decide on substantive and administrative issues in regular meetings held throughout the year. The organization has six principal organs: the General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly); the Security Council (for deciding certain resolutions for peace and security); the Economic and Social Council (for assisting in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development); the Secretariat (for providing studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN); the International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ); Wikipedia
Does the UN really achieve its aim of cooperation, or is there a vested interest among the developed countries.See what Our lady said about the UN:
See what Our Lady had to say:
"You must as a nation take yourself away from this group of Satan. You have opened your doors to the enemies of God! These enemies do not defend you, but they wait to pounce upon you like vultures!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1974
Friday, October 15, 2010
[The birth control mentality] means the abandonment of self-control over sexual urges; it implicitly authorizes sexual promiscuity – Cardinal Cahal Daly of Ireland
the Philippine legislators and the Church is still at loggerhead on the issue of the Reproductive health Bill. May they be enlightened.
The Word of God has not been changed, Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Technology and science, has made life easier. Because man is so busy piling up money after money, multitasking, to achieve man’s goal, in fact so busy that he wants to do away with the stumbling blocks to his getting ahead of the rat race, to the point of controlling the number of children through these inventions of contraceptives. Where it will lead to? Promiscuity, this will be followed by legalization of abortion, a heinous crime, and eventually the degeneration of moral and destruction of families.
We don’t want the "educated and liberal" Catholics, but the Catholics who have the wisdom coming from God.
Mexico had 47,000 abortions after it was legalized.
Let’s not experience the wrath of God. Most countries who are going against the law of God are experiencing cleansing.
Below are the statements of the different Popes, and other statements
Pope Paul John II
The Holy See ... believes prevention through education about the sacredness of life and the correct practice of sexuality, that is chastity and faithfulness, is necessary above all other things in order to prevent this disease responsibly," the 84-year old Pontiff said in a written address....
It says promoting the use of condoms to fight the spread of AIDS fosters what it sees as immoral and hedonistic lifestyles and behavior that will only contribute to its spread.
On September 17, 1983, Pope John Paul II told a group of priests that “contraception is to be judged objectively so profoundly unlawful as never to be, for any reason, justified. To think or to say the contrary is equal to maintaining that, in human life, situations may arise in which it is lawful not to recognize God as God.”
The Holy Father has explained that when contraception is used, the marital act ceases to be an act of love.
Pope Pius XI
Any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in such are branded with the guild of a grave sin. (Casti Connubii, #56)
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII, in an address in October 29, 1951 declared that:
any attempt on the part of married people to deprive this act of its inherent force and to impeded the procreation of new life, either in the performance of the act itself or in the course of the development of its natural consequences, is immoral; and no alleged ‘indication’ or need can convert an intrinsically immoral act into a moral and lawful one. This precept is as valid today as it was yesterday; and it will be the same tomorrow and always because it does not imply a precept of the human law but is the expression of a law which is natural and divine.
Mother Theresa of Calcutta
In destroying the power of giving life, through contraception, a husband or wife is doing something to self. This turns the attention to self and so destroys the gift of love in him or her. In loving, the husband and wife must turn the attention to each other. Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily.
Cardinal Cahal Daly of Ireland
[The birth control mentality] means the abandonment of self-control over sexual urges; it implicitly authorizes sexual promiscuity. Society makes it unnaturally difficult for people, particularly young people, to be continent; and then offers a remedy, contraceptives, which merely increases the incontinence. Promiscuity is the logic of birth control; but to have promiscuity with impunity there must also be abortion and infanticide, sterilization and euthanasia. The logical contraceptionists must insist if these cannot be generalized by persuasion, they must be imposed by law. It has long been recognized that there is a connection between eroticism and totalitarianism. (Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, March 1993, p. 11)
Dietrich von Hildrebrand
The sinfulness of artificial birth control is rooted in the arrogation of the right to separate the actualized love union in marriage from a possible conception, to sever the wonderful, deeply mysterious connection instituted by God. This mystery is approached in an irreverent attitude. Here we are confronted with the fundamental sin of irreverence toward God, the denial of our creaturehood, the acting as if we were our own lords… It is the same sinfulness that lies in suicide or in euthanasia, in both of which we act as if we were masters of life. (Love, Marriage and the Catholic Conscience, pp. 45-46)
Messages from Our Lady & Lord Jesus tldm
For the news on family planning, click here
the Philippine legislators and the Church is still at loggerhead on the issue of the Reproductive health Bill. May they be enlightened.
The Word of God has not been changed, Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Technology and science, has made life easier. Because man is so busy piling up money after money, multitasking, to achieve man’s goal, in fact so busy that he wants to do away with the stumbling blocks to his getting ahead of the rat race, to the point of controlling the number of children through these inventions of contraceptives. Where it will lead to? Promiscuity, this will be followed by legalization of abortion, a heinous crime, and eventually the degeneration of moral and destruction of families.
We don’t want the "educated and liberal" Catholics, but the Catholics who have the wisdom coming from God.
Mexico had 47,000 abortions after it was legalized.
Let’s not experience the wrath of God. Most countries who are going against the law of God are experiencing cleansing.
Below are the statements of the different Popes, and other statements
Pope Paul John II
The Holy See ... believes prevention through education about the sacredness of life and the correct practice of sexuality, that is chastity and faithfulness, is necessary above all other things in order to prevent this disease responsibly," the 84-year old Pontiff said in a written address....
It says promoting the use of condoms to fight the spread of AIDS fosters what it sees as immoral and hedonistic lifestyles and behavior that will only contribute to its spread.
On September 17, 1983, Pope John Paul II told a group of priests that “contraception is to be judged objectively so profoundly unlawful as never to be, for any reason, justified. To think or to say the contrary is equal to maintaining that, in human life, situations may arise in which it is lawful not to recognize God as God.”
The Holy Father has explained that when contraception is used, the marital act ceases to be an act of love.
Pope Pius XI
Any use whatsoever of matrimony exercised in such a way that the act is deliberately frustrated in its natural power to generate life is an offense against the law of God and of nature, and those who indulge in such are branded with the guild of a grave sin. (Casti Connubii, #56)
Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius XII, in an address in October 29, 1951 declared that:
any attempt on the part of married people to deprive this act of its inherent force and to impeded the procreation of new life, either in the performance of the act itself or in the course of the development of its natural consequences, is immoral; and no alleged ‘indication’ or need can convert an intrinsically immoral act into a moral and lawful one. This precept is as valid today as it was yesterday; and it will be the same tomorrow and always because it does not imply a precept of the human law but is the expression of a law which is natural and divine.
Mother Theresa of Calcutta
In destroying the power of giving life, through contraception, a husband or wife is doing something to self. This turns the attention to self and so destroys the gift of love in him or her. In loving, the husband and wife must turn the attention to each other. Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily.
Cardinal Cahal Daly of Ireland
[The birth control mentality] means the abandonment of self-control over sexual urges; it implicitly authorizes sexual promiscuity. Society makes it unnaturally difficult for people, particularly young people, to be continent; and then offers a remedy, contraceptives, which merely increases the incontinence. Promiscuity is the logic of birth control; but to have promiscuity with impunity there must also be abortion and infanticide, sterilization and euthanasia. The logical contraceptionists must insist if these cannot be generalized by persuasion, they must be imposed by law. It has long been recognized that there is a connection between eroticism and totalitarianism. (Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Newsletter, March 1993, p. 11)
Dietrich von Hildrebrand
The sinfulness of artificial birth control is rooted in the arrogation of the right to separate the actualized love union in marriage from a possible conception, to sever the wonderful, deeply mysterious connection instituted by God. This mystery is approached in an irreverent attitude. Here we are confronted with the fundamental sin of irreverence toward God, the denial of our creaturehood, the acting as if we were our own lords… It is the same sinfulness that lies in suicide or in euthanasia, in both of which we act as if we were masters of life. (Love, Marriage and the Catholic Conscience, pp. 45-46)
Messages from Our Lady & Lord Jesus tldm
"Every man, woman, and child of the age of reason knows right from wrong, for he has been given an inborn conscience. At the moment of his conception life is within the womb, and at the moment of conception a life is forming, regardless of what the agents of hell now pollute the minds of mankind with, creating murders of the young! I say unto you, life begins at the moment of conception and all who extinguish this light are murderers, and without repentance shall be condemned to hell!” - Jesus, June 18, 1977tldm
"The encyclical of Pope Paul VI on birth control is true and must be followed by mankind. There shall be no rationalization of sin.” - Our Lady, October 2, 1976
“Permissiveness shall not be accepted by your God. Sin is sin; there is no compromise for sin. Mortal sin is a grievous offense to the Eternal Father. The Commandments shall be followed without permissiveness.” – Jesus, November 21, 197
"If you compromise by pleasing those who have set themselves to rule you, and if you compromise without the love of God and accepting the will of God, and replacing it for the will of man, in obedience that has been darkened by sin and false obedience--blind obedience--no! You shall not cast aside your God to please any man!" - Our Lady, September 13, 1975
"You owe, My children, no allegiance to man who offends the Eternal Father. The Commandments given by the Eternal Father must be followed." - Our Lady, October 6, 1975 tldm
For the news on family planning, click here
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Warning from God, Polluted Educational System
This is an excerpt of our Lord’s message through Vassula Ryden of tlig. a warning from God. I hope our president and his Cabinet, the Senators, the congressmen and down the hierarchy in the government will consider His messages in formulating/implementing the country’s policies, to get the message across the nation, in corroboration with the Church: the Catholic and all the other sects, INCLUDING THE GENERAL PUBLIC
This is a warning to the media, the legal minds, false witnesses, those who think that they don’t need God, those who promote contraception and abortion (there is life at conception), those who promote sex education in grade school, and other criminal elements.
I who am Everything shall expand and like mist that creeps everywhere I intend to envelop all My creation in Me, from the stranger to My best friend, for My Jealousy has bypassed Me wanting to check it; I have created you for one purpose: I have created you out of Love to love Me; when body and flesh are going to be consumed and wear out, he who was pleasing to Me shall be drawn into My Soul for ever and ever;
- but alas for him who did not fear Me!
- alas for him who never saw wickedness as folly and foolishness as madness!
- alas for the heart who believed that he could reach the zenith of his strength by his own efforts and without Me!
- alas for him who has not obeyed My Commandments!
- alas for him whose heart is filled with malice!
- alas for the jackal that plotted by night!
- alas for him who judged his brother and caused him to live in terror!
- alas for the lips that bore false-witness!
- alas for those who shed innocent blood of unborn infants!
your compensation shall be hell!
- alas for the impure who receive My Son's Flesh and Blood in a state of sin, how abhorrent you are to Me!
- alas for those who offend Me by refusing confession and absolution and come to receive My Son, guilty! repent! repent for your sins! what good is your offering to Me when you have a serpent coiled inside you? if you ask Me: "what must we do then to gain eternal Life?" I tell you: repent! follow My Commandments, produce the appropriate fruits, and I, in the presence of My angels, I shall offer you the room I have reserved for you; watch and be on your guard against all these things; allow Me in your wilderness to manifest My Spirit as I please and when I please and upon whom I please: to save you;
Love Me, adore Me and place Me as first and above all
My Eyes are upon you, My child, constantly, and My Spirit shall invade you more than ever to leave nothing of you; I Am All and I can fill you with My Light; ah creation! I am Loyal and Gentle, leave Me free o creation and with most loving affection I shall fill your spirit with divinity out of My Spirit; leave Me free to annihilate your lethargy which led you into this great apostasy and the ruin of your soul; allow Me to fill you with My Fire to become loyal and fervent servants of Mine; let Me transform you to become the delight of My Soul, I Am who I Am is with you;
be blessed and have My Peace, you who read Me;
Message from Our Lady
"O My children, the parents of your nation, the parents of the world, must now assume a full responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. You cannot depend upon your school systems, your entertainment medias, your avenues of knowledge to the young, for they have become polluted and are cesspools of error and degradation. In the plan of the Eternal Father, My children, it has now become necessary to remove many of the young from the world." - Our Lady, October 6, 1977
"I wish to talk only a while, a little bit, about the children of earth, the young children. The parents must be very careful, My children, who you send your children to be taught from. Much evil is being developed in the schools in the name of sexuality. Why cannot we have our children pure of thought and mind? How can we, My children, when the teachers there are being taught to bring in sex education to your children? This belongs not in the schools, but in the homes. This is an obligation of the parents. It will only lead to much greater disaster by having tldm
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Philippines' Controversial Reproductive Health Bill
The Philippines, predominantly Catholic, generally opposes the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill (RH) which promotes, among other things, access to contraceptives and other family planning methods. The Catholic Church is opposing its passing because it is immoral. The Church has its obligation to uphold the morality of the people.
Learn more about the RH bill and its contention. Click here
One of the secretaries of the Philippine president said that the president should be above faith. Meaning, above God?
I would like to share this line from a poster read by Dr. Ligaya Acosta, a guest on Reproductive Health Bill at DZMM:
Below are the opposing views on the RH bill:
Health Secretary Enrique Ona had testified at the hearing that the health ministry was seeking 400 million pesos (9 million dollars) to buy contraceptives for the poor next year.
"I will move for the (budget) cut of the contraceptives. All of it," said Sotto.
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile echoed Sotto's sentiments.
"I might have to cut that. I will cut family planning... condoms, pills and injectable material. We will remove all of that," he said.
Enrile said the money allocated for birth control could instead be used to help government hospitals and to control diseases such as malaria and leprosy.
Click here for the news
I praise Senators Sotto and Enrile for their stand.
To the President, his cabinet secretaries and our legislators:
Psalm 119:133
Our God's message:
Mama Mary's Messages
Learn more about the RH bill and its contention. Click here
One of the secretaries of the Philippine president said that the president should be above faith. Meaning, above God?
I would like to share this line from a poster read by Dr. Ligaya Acosta, a guest on Reproductive Health Bill at DZMM:
"There is only one God, quit applying for his position".Her parting words:
"Learn our faith and live by it."
Below are the opposing views on the RH bill:
Health Secretary Enrique Ona had testified at the hearing that the health ministry was seeking 400 million pesos (9 million dollars) to buy contraceptives for the poor next year.
"I will move for the (budget) cut of the contraceptives. All of it," said Sotto.
Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile echoed Sotto's sentiments.
"I might have to cut that. I will cut family planning... condoms, pills and injectable material. We will remove all of that," he said.
Enrile said the money allocated for birth control could instead be used to help government hospitals and to control diseases such as malaria and leprosy.
Click here for the news
I praise Senators Sotto and Enrile for their stand.
To the President, his cabinet secretaries and our legislators:
Psalm 119:133
Direct my footsteps according to your word;
let no sin rule over me.
Redeem me from the oppression of men,
that I may obey your precepts.
Our God's message:
"am a God of Justice and My Eyes have grown weary watching hypocrisy, atheism, immorality; My creation has become, in its decadence, a replica of what Sodom was; I will thunder you with My Justice as I have thundered the Sodomites; repent, creation, before I come;"
Mama Mary's Messages
"My child and My children, you understand it is a known fact that when the morals of a country fall, that country will be destroyed in one way or another. Wars are always a punishment for man's sins." - Our Lady, June 18, 1992
"A great war will erupt suddenly, such as has not been seen from the beginning of creation. Countries shall disappear in moments from the face of the earth....
"I come to you as a Protectress of peace. Unless you repent of your abortions, the murders of the unborn, and return to lives of prayer and contemplation of the mysteries of the Eternal Father, given by writings—the Bible, the Book of life and love—I cannot save you from the conflagration that lies ahead." - Our Lady, October 2, 1990
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Philippines Reproductive Health (RH) Bill , the Church and Celdran
Artist-Tour Guide Carlos Celdran Nabbed for Demonstration Inside Church
MANILA, Philippines - Popular tour guide, artist and commercial model Carlos Celdran was apprehended by police for staging a lightning protest inside Manila Cathedral Thursday afternoon. Read More
RH advocates distribute condoms to protest Celdran's detention
President Noy was known known for his pro-life stand, just like his mother, the late President Cory Aquino. The Church supported his candidacy because he appeared to be a follower of God's commandments.
What has caused the compromise, as far as the birth control is concerned, was it economics?
We have to go back to teaching the values of God, and fostering the following qualities of a good Christian: (Attention DEP ED, legislators, cabinet members down to baranggay levels)
2Peter 1:2
I would like to echo what Dr. Love (Bro Jun Banaag) advised to RH bill supporters: follow the natural method, abstain from sex if it is not safe. Anyway, what is 4 to 5 days of waiting until it is safe to do it.
Messages from our Lord
To Carlos Celdran, acquire more knowledge and wisdom from the Word of God.
Jesus, teach me to love you tenderly,
give this grace to those who do not love You
and do not know the Consuming Fire
of Your Sacred Heart;
MANILA, Philippines - Popular tour guide, artist and commercial model Carlos Celdran was apprehended by police for staging a lightning protest inside Manila Cathedral Thursday afternoon. Read More
RH advocates distribute condoms to protest Celdran's detention
President Noy was known known for his pro-life stand, just like his mother, the late President Cory Aquino. The Church supported his candidacy because he appeared to be a follower of God's commandments.
What has caused the compromise, as far as the birth control is concerned, was it economics?
We have to go back to teaching the values of God, and fostering the following qualities of a good Christian: (Attention DEP ED, legislators, cabinet members down to baranggay levels)
2Peter 1:2
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through men you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
For this very reason , make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
I would like to echo what Dr. Love (Bro Jun Banaag) advised to RH bill supporters: follow the natural method, abstain from sex if it is not safe. Anyway, what is 4 to 5 days of waiting until it is safe to do it.
Messages from our Lord
then, their lack of holiness is consumed by passion and from early youth go out and dishonor their own bodies; your generation has flouted My Commandments and replaced them with blasphemous imitations, and to this day out of the beast's mouth come out evil productions to darken your children's minds and draw them as victims right into the lion's mouth;
you know I have forbidden you to kill, generation! if you call yourself Mine and call yourself part of My Church and you preach against killing, how is it you kill? do you presume to maintain that you are in the right and insist of your innocence before Me in the day of Judgment when you heap up crimes of unborn children? from Heaven I watch frightful sights; ah! how I suffer to see how the womb that shapes this child, rejects him and sends him to his death without a name and without regret; the womb that shaped him recalls him no longer; for these, I say:
"you may sharpen your sword, but the weapon you prepared will kill you; now you are not pregnant with child but with iniquity; you are going to conceive Spite and you will give birth to Mishap; you have dug a pit, hollowed it out, only to fall into your own trap! your spite will recoil on your head and your brutality will fall back on your head;" 11
To Carlos Celdran, acquire more knowledge and wisdom from the Word of God.
"I am telling you truly: for the unsubmissive who refused to take My Commandments for their guide and took depravity instead, there will be fire in the end for them; O happy the submissive in heart, they shall attain perfection; so I tell you: do not be unsubmissive to the Fear of the Lord - "Lets do this prayer taught through tlig
Jesus, teach me to love you tenderly,
give this grace to those who do not love You
and do not know the Consuming Fire
of Your Sacred Heart;
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Birth Control
Some Filipinos were disappointed over the stand of President Noy on allowing the use of the modern method of conception, giving the Filipino family choices on method of controlling the number of children.
What we need Mr. President is your promise of curbing corruption in the Philippines If you are not reneging on your promise, growth in the country will be in leaps and bound, if we abide by God’s precepts, and regenerate the morality of the land.
Below are the comments of Fr. Melvin Castro, executive director of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life:
“In a phone interview, Castro said the Church “would rather focus directly on the people to give them the needed values formation so that whatever the government does, their moral values and thinking will remain intact.”
“Because the problem is economic in nature, the solution should also be economic in nature... we expected it but it’s still sad to hear it come from the highest leader of the land,” Castro said. Aquino bucks Church, backs birth control. Read More
For your guidance, go to
Catholics Who Vote for Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion Candidates Commit a Mortal Sin. They Must Go to Confession Before Receiving Holy Communion... Read More 8-3-10
Warning from our Lord:
Aquino blinks, seeks talks with Church
What we need Mr. President is your promise of curbing corruption in the Philippines If you are not reneging on your promise, growth in the country will be in leaps and bound, if we abide by God’s precepts, and regenerate the morality of the land.
Below are the comments of Fr. Melvin Castro, executive director of the Episcopal Commission on Family and Life:
“In a phone interview, Castro said the Church “would rather focus directly on the people to give them the needed values formation so that whatever the government does, their moral values and thinking will remain intact.”
“Because the problem is economic in nature, the solution should also be economic in nature... we expected it but it’s still sad to hear it come from the highest leader of the land,” Castro said. Aquino bucks Church, backs birth control. Read More
For your guidance, go to
Catholics Who Vote for Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion Candidates Commit a Mortal Sin. They Must Go to Confession Before Receiving Holy Communion... Read More 8-3-10
Warning from our Lord:
"We warned you over and over again, through years of visitations upon earth--My Mother going to and fro to warn you, that those who have given themselves over to debasement, by the practice of homosexuality, birth control, abortion and all other aberrations that bring sorrow to My Mother's heart--this must be stopped now. There shall be no excuse accepted in Heaven by the saints, nor by My Mother and I, or the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost, for what you are doing upon earth now." - Jesus, June 16, 1987
“Permissiveness shall not be accepted by your God. Sin is sin; there is no compromise for sin. Mortal sin is a grievous offense to the Eternal Father. The Commandments shall be followed without permissiveness.” – Jesus, November 21, 1977 tldm
They must not try to control the start and expiration of a life.9/29
The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life into the body at the moment of conception. No man shall destroy this body until it has completed its mission as directed by the Eternal Father, for any man who destroys the mission and the body is guilty of murder tldm Our Lady, June 12/76
The encyclical of Pope Paul on birth control is true and must be followed by mankind. There shall be no rationalization of sin. Our Lady, Oct 2/76tldm
Aquino blinks, seeks talks with Church
Friday, September 24, 2010
Informal Settlers and their Demolition
For lack of development in their respective places, and lack of employment, people from the rural areas flock to the city.. With no place to go to in the metropolis, they have no choice but to squat in vacant lots. They (the informal settlers) have been in the place for years already.
The informal settlers beside the Philippine National Railways (PNR) have been relocated smoothly, there was no violence. Before the relocation, talks/negotiations were made over the years. Notice/postponements on the relocation were made. And when the relocation was finally set, the informal settlers have been readied emotionally and financially. Relocation sites of about 50 kms away from the former site were accepted because their housing was ready, and transportation was provided to the settlers, in addition to financial assistance. Settlers were given options on the place to settle in. They were asked to visit the sites, before decisions were made.
Water, electricity and school were provided, and most of all, their houses are being paid at a very minimal amount which they will eventually own. They are happy with the outcome.
In the case of the demolition in Baranggay Pag-asa, Quezon City, some policemen and some residents were injured. Were it not for the intervention of President Noy, it is going to
be another bloodbath..
Architect Felino Palafox , who was interviewed at DZMM, had these comments/suggestions:
- that the poor has to be included in the urban planning. If they are not included, who would do the rich’ laundry and work in their offices?
- Waterways should have an easement meant as walkways.
- the city should have an underground basin to catch the rain. Houses should do the same, and that their bedroom should be on the 2nd floor, and so with the electrical installation. This is especially true with the places that are now prone to flooding.
Architect Palafox has talks in other countries about urban planning, flood prevention and others, why not in the Philippines?
Architect Palafox submitted his proposal, a ten-year plan to avert any disaster brought about by flood, fire, and earthquake, to former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in January 2010, and again in June 2010 to President Aquino.
Mr. President, please consider this as an urgent matter. Remember the lives lost during the Ondoy typhoon. If we don't act fast, this is a sin of omission. "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
Follow this link
The informal settlers beside the Philippine National Railways (PNR) have been relocated smoothly, there was no violence. Before the relocation, talks/negotiations were made over the years. Notice/postponements on the relocation were made. And when the relocation was finally set, the informal settlers have been readied emotionally and financially. Relocation sites of about 50 kms away from the former site were accepted because their housing was ready, and transportation was provided to the settlers, in addition to financial assistance. Settlers were given options on the place to settle in. They were asked to visit the sites, before decisions were made.
Water, electricity and school were provided, and most of all, their houses are being paid at a very minimal amount which they will eventually own. They are happy with the outcome.
In the case of the demolition in Baranggay Pag-asa, Quezon City, some policemen and some residents were injured. Were it not for the intervention of President Noy, it is going to
be another bloodbath..
Architect Felino Palafox , who was interviewed at DZMM, had these comments/suggestions:
- that the poor has to be included in the urban planning. If they are not included, who would do the rich’ laundry and work in their offices?
- Waterways should have an easement meant as walkways.
- the city should have an underground basin to catch the rain. Houses should do the same, and that their bedroom should be on the 2nd floor, and so with the electrical installation. This is especially true with the places that are now prone to flooding.
Architect Palafox has talks in other countries about urban planning, flood prevention and others, why not in the Philippines?
Architect Palafox submitted his proposal, a ten-year plan to avert any disaster brought about by flood, fire, and earthquake, to former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in January 2010, and again in June 2010 to President Aquino.
Mr. President, please consider this as an urgent matter. Remember the lives lost during the Ondoy typhoon. If we don't act fast, this is a sin of omission. "The sin of omission shall condemn many to hell, be they layman or Hierarchy. I repeat: not the sin of commission, but the sin of omission will commit many to hell." Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1980
Follow this link
Friday, September 10, 2010
Philippine President Noy and the country's problems
Pres Noy is beleaguered by criticisms on all sides because of the bloody hostage drama last August 23, near the Rizal Park, Manila.
Being attacked are the Manila Police, the SWAT team for their ineptness and some government officials for the seeming complacency in their actions.
Watched by the world during the crisis, the display of unpreparedness, the insensitive response to the demands of the hostage taker botched the negotiation and lives were lost.
Justice secretary De Lima headed the probe of the involved personnel, and witnesses were interrogated. Hopefully it will be concluded on Monday.
Pres Noy is not yet 100 days in office and this fatal crisis happened in his administration. Members of the police and the SWAT are the legacy of the past admin. May be it’s time to really evaluate the training of these personnel in the past nine years. Are they capable, are they supported by necessary equipments in such crisis or terror attacks. Time is of the essence here. The concerned departments should work together fast and be thorough.
Regarding the hostage taker, was his termination and loss of benefits fair? What about his relationship with the other members of the police force? Did it contribute in anyway to the dismal failure in the negotiation.
What about the media? Play by the rules and be self-accountable. What should take precedence, live media coverage for rating or lives?
In fairness to Pres Noy, he is true to his promise of “walang mahirap, walang corrupt”. Bonuses are allocated if a company is making money. If there is no profit, no bonus could be distributed. Crackdown on GOCC officials who got fat bonuses despite their companies’ losses was started.
He still has to face the country's other problems like the elusive Mindanao peace, budget, the deteriorating public school standard, health issues and others. With competent cabinet members, his load would be easy.
Not only is knowledge necessary, but do they have wisdom coming from God?
Let's pray that God give the president and the government officials the right direction in leading the people to the right path.
Being attacked are the Manila Police, the SWAT team for their ineptness and some government officials for the seeming complacency in their actions.
Watched by the world during the crisis, the display of unpreparedness, the insensitive response to the demands of the hostage taker botched the negotiation and lives were lost.
Justice secretary De Lima headed the probe of the involved personnel, and witnesses were interrogated. Hopefully it will be concluded on Monday.
Pres Noy is not yet 100 days in office and this fatal crisis happened in his administration. Members of the police and the SWAT are the legacy of the past admin. May be it’s time to really evaluate the training of these personnel in the past nine years. Are they capable, are they supported by necessary equipments in such crisis or terror attacks. Time is of the essence here. The concerned departments should work together fast and be thorough.
Regarding the hostage taker, was his termination and loss of benefits fair? What about his relationship with the other members of the police force? Did it contribute in anyway to the dismal failure in the negotiation.
What about the media? Play by the rules and be self-accountable. What should take precedence, live media coverage for rating or lives?
In fairness to Pres Noy, he is true to his promise of “walang mahirap, walang corrupt”. Bonuses are allocated if a company is making money. If there is no profit, no bonus could be distributed. Crackdown on GOCC officials who got fat bonuses despite their companies’ losses was started.
He still has to face the country's other problems like the elusive Mindanao peace, budget, the deteriorating public school standard, health issues and others. With competent cabinet members, his load would be easy.
Not only is knowledge necessary, but do they have wisdom coming from God?
Let's pray that God give the president and the government officials the right direction in leading the people to the right path.
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and all else will follow".
Friday, August 20, 2010
No to Divorce but Allowing Remarriage to legally Separated couple
I applaud the decision of Prez Noy, a deeply religious person which is a legacy from his parents, on not allowing divorce in the Philippines. However, allowing legally separated couple to remarry, isn’t that tantamount to divorce? Some members of society are pushing for divorce purposely for remarriage.
Please be enlightened by these passages from the Bible:
Matthew 19:6, 9
Please reconsider your decision on allowing remarriage by a legally separated couple.
Please be enlightened by these passages from the Bible:
Matthew 19:6, 9
6 Let no man separate what God has joined together.
9 Whoever divorces his wife, and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
Please reconsider your decision on allowing remarriage by a legally separated couple.
divorce separation "Pres Noy"
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Philippines President Noynoy & Congresswoman Shalani Soledad
On the lighter side, It is interesting to note the relationship of a busy Philippines President Noy with his sweet girl, Congresswoman Shalani Soledad.
Watch the video on the interview with Shalani Soledad
Watch the video on the interview with Shalani Soledad
Monday, August 9, 2010
Legalization of Abortion in the Phils Rejected
Thank God, the legalization of abortion in the Philippines was rejected.
We now have moral suasion coming from the top post, who is setting a good example.
We are talking here of induced abortion. If it is legalized, it is immoral.
A fertilized egg has already life in it.So, if aborted it means murder!
Exodus 20:13
"You shall not murder."
Below is a reflection of Fr. Steve Tynan on the "Precious Gift of Life" as published in the Kerygma Family:
The readings for today speak of how seeds grow into shrubs or trees. The same is true for the seed of life from which each human being begins. We celebrate today the Feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary. It is difficult to discern any greater gift we can give to a person than the gift of life itself, yet we seem to be living in a world that no longer upholds the sanctity of this gift. More and more each day, we discover the degree to which the utilitarian concept of the human person has taken over the way we think as a society.
The debate between abortionists and pro-lifers continues. Is an embryo just an amorphous mass of cells or actually a human life? The problem is that it is never simply an indeterminate mass of cells. From the very beginning, the gametes carry the genetic programming from which a new human life can develop. The only sensible and defensible position to take is to say that human life is there right from the start and thus we must treat any embryo with the same degree of respect that we give to any human being that is born into the world. If we lose this fundamental respect for life, it will not be long before society implodes on itself in an ever growing spiral of self-absorption.
It is precisely here that we begin to close in on the heart of the matter. We become more obsessed with our own concerns and comfort that we are less willing to sacrifice for the good of another person, even our own offspring. A child now would be an added burden to our finances — a cry that is often heard in justifying abortion. It may be true that another child is a financial burden to the family; well then, it is time to be more sexually responsible by abstaining from sex when there is a high likelihood of pregnancy.Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
We now have moral suasion coming from the top post, who is setting a good example.
We are talking here of induced abortion. If it is legalized, it is immoral.
A fertilized egg has already life in it.So, if aborted it means murder!
Exodus 20:13
"You shall not murder."
Below is a reflection of Fr. Steve Tynan on the "Precious Gift of Life" as published in the Kerygma Family:
The readings for today speak of how seeds grow into shrubs or trees. The same is true for the seed of life from which each human being begins. We celebrate today the Feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, the parents of Mary. It is difficult to discern any greater gift we can give to a person than the gift of life itself, yet we seem to be living in a world that no longer upholds the sanctity of this gift. More and more each day, we discover the degree to which the utilitarian concept of the human person has taken over the way we think as a society.
The debate between abortionists and pro-lifers continues. Is an embryo just an amorphous mass of cells or actually a human life? The problem is that it is never simply an indeterminate mass of cells. From the very beginning, the gametes carry the genetic programming from which a new human life can develop. The only sensible and defensible position to take is to say that human life is there right from the start and thus we must treat any embryo with the same degree of respect that we give to any human being that is born into the world. If we lose this fundamental respect for life, it will not be long before society implodes on itself in an ever growing spiral of self-absorption.
It is precisely here that we begin to close in on the heart of the matter. We become more obsessed with our own concerns and comfort that we are less willing to sacrifice for the good of another person, even our own offspring. A child now would be an added burden to our finances — a cry that is often heard in justifying abortion. It may be true that another child is a financial burden to the family; well then, it is time to be more sexually responsible by abstaining from sex when there is a high likelihood of pregnancy.Fr. Steve Tynan, MGL
abortion Philippines
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Truth Commission
It is often said that the truth will set you free. So, what is the motive of some congressmen and some senators who want to block the formation of a Truth Commission?
Why don’t they attack the proposed laws on legaling abortion and divorce?
These human laws are immoral.
John 8:31-32 says:
Dark forces do not want to go into the light. They will be revealed.
Pres Noy went through a lot of struggles from the time his senator father was incarcerated to the time his mother became the president of the Philippines. There were dark forces who wanted to topple them down.
During the coup attempt against Pres Cory, a bullet was lodged on his neck, and it is still there.
He didn’t want to be the president of the Philippines because of the great responsibilities it entail, but through the urging of the Filipino people, he gave in to the call of duty. He is sacrificing so much, for the country.
I think the events that happened to him and his family led him to this awesome job of being head of the country, he was destined to it.
Please take note of the parallelism to his life on the book of:
2 Samuel 22:17-29
Why don’t they attack the proposed laws on legaling abortion and divorce?
These human laws are immoral.
John 8:31-32 says:
If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth will set you free.
Dark forces do not want to go into the light. They will be revealed.
Pres Noy went through a lot of struggles from the time his senator father was incarcerated to the time his mother became the president of the Philippines. There were dark forces who wanted to topple them down.
During the coup attempt against Pres Cory, a bullet was lodged on his neck, and it is still there.
He didn’t want to be the president of the Philippines because of the great responsibilities it entail, but through the urging of the Filipino people, he gave in to the call of duty. He is sacrificing so much, for the country.
I think the events that happened to him and his family led him to this awesome job of being head of the country, he was destined to it.
Please take note of the parallelism to his life on the book of:
2 Samuel 22:17-29
He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
He drew me out of deep waters.
He rescued me from my powerful enemy,
from my foes who were strong for me.
They comforted me in the day of my disaster,
but the Lord was my support.
He brought me out into a spacious place;
he rescued me because He delighted in me.
The Lord has dealt with me according to my righteousness;
according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me.
For I have kept the ways of the Lord;
I have not done evil by turning from my God.
All his laws are before me;
I have not turned away from his decrees.
I have been blameless before Him
and have kept my self from sin.
The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness.
according to my cleanness in His sight.
To the faithful you show yourself faithful,
to the blameless, you show yourself blameless,
to the pure you show yoursef pure,
but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd.
You save the humble,
but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low.
You are my lamp, O Lord.
the Lord turns my darkness into light.
With your help I can advance against a troop;
with my God I can scale a wall.
Midnight Appointments
Why would an outgoing administration issue midnight appointments. What could be the purpose?
Your answer is as good as mine. So I hail Pres Noy's revocation of the midnight appointments of the past administration.
Got to the news on the appointment revocations:
Your answer is as good as mine. So I hail Pres Noy's revocation of the midnight appointments of the past administration.
Got to the news on the appointment revocations:
Philippine President's Salary
A Philippine president’s monthly salary is a measly P60,000, considering his great responsibilities, and the hazard of the job, especially the threat to his life by the bad elements.
Isn’t this a form of injustice? This reminds me of churchmate who served our parish for quite sometime from the time he was a young boy. He served until his late 20’s, and at that time he was already getting P60,000 per month from a multinational company as an IT.
Yes, he has tech skills, but there is no threat to his life.
A relative who works in a foreign country, a mechanical engineer, gets P300,00 a month, five times more than what our president gets.
Is the salary scale of the government employees being reviewed annually. Of course, increases will be determined by the inflation in the country and the effectivity of the
B.I. R. to collect taxes, and corruption is not rampart. “Sabi nga ni Pnoy, walang mahirap kung walang corrupt.” (If there is no corruption, there is no poverty.)
Something is wrong here. Officials of MWSS, and NAPOCOR and other government utilities are receiving much, much more than the president of the country!
Go to this news on Pres Noy’s salary.
Isn’t this a form of injustice? This reminds me of churchmate who served our parish for quite sometime from the time he was a young boy. He served until his late 20’s, and at that time he was already getting P60,000 per month from a multinational company as an IT.
Yes, he has tech skills, but there is no threat to his life.
A relative who works in a foreign country, a mechanical engineer, gets P300,00 a month, five times more than what our president gets.
Is the salary scale of the government employees being reviewed annually. Of course, increases will be determined by the inflation in the country and the effectivity of the
B.I. R. to collect taxes, and corruption is not rampart. “Sabi nga ni Pnoy, walang mahirap kung walang corrupt.” (If there is no corruption, there is no poverty.)
Something is wrong here. Officials of MWSS, and NAPOCOR and other government utilities are receiving much, much more than the president of the country!
Go to this news on Pres Noy’s salary.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Pres Noy's Official Residence
Take a glimpse of Pres Noy Aquino’s new abode, simple 2 bedrooms: a master's bedroom, one guest room and another room for the house help in Bahay Pangarap at Malacanang grounds.
Go to:
Go to:
Threat to Pres Noy's life
There is a threat to President Noynoy Aquino's life.
Let us not allow the dark forces win, to cut short his further revelations about corruption in the government.
Let's pray that God cover him with his mantle of protection!
For more of the news, go to:
Let us not allow the dark forces win, to cut short his further revelations about corruption in the government.
Let's pray that God cover him with his mantle of protection!
For more of the news, go to:
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Reactions to Pres Noy's SONA
President Noy made the majority of the Filipinos hopeful and happy again. However, he also got negative comments.
Can we dwell on the positives to help him out in the big problem he is facing in lifting up the Philippines again? God is on our side.
For other comments on the SONA, please go to
Can we dwell on the positives to help him out in the big problem he is facing in lifting up the Philippines again? God is on our side.
For other comments on the SONA, please go to
"Pres Noy" SONA comments God
Monday, July 26, 2010
Phil Pres Noy'S State of the Nation Address (SONA)
The SONA OF Pres Noy Aquino is a revelation of the spending of the past administration, which turned out to be spending more than the income of the government. Budget for 2010 is already 70% spent. In addition, he reported what has been done for the past 26 days, and what his plans are which he said he has great hopes with the support of God and the people.
What happened in the past administration is the proliferation of greed, thinking of your own pocket rather than the small people, like in MWSS. The pension for its retired employees have not been paid, and yet the salaries, allowances given to its officers are fabulous, to say the least.
The report on MRT, NAPOCOR, MWSS, rice importation where rice is rotting in the NFA warehouse while millions of Filipinos are hungry is considered by PNoy as a crime.
Pres Noy said that there are public and private sectors who will be helping to build the country. One is the building of a railway from Manila down to Cagayan which will help to bring the prices of the planters down. The infrastructure will be at no cost to the government. Another one is the offer to move the Phil Navy to Camp Aguinaldo. The Philippine Navy will be rented out which will bring income to the government. In addition to this, they will help to modernize the ships of the Philippine Navy at no cost to the government.
Pres Noy called on the CPP-NPP to not just complain, but offer concrete suggestions to the government.
The most beautiful for me was when he said that the situation should be reversed, that is, before thinking of self, think of the other people first (don’t put one over the other), because if the people prosper, this means good for the business, banks, etc.
He ended his speech by saying that we should rely on God for direction, and that the people can now start to dream.
Pres Noy delivered his speech without any notes, no gimmicks as reported earlier.
It was a well applauded applause and a standing ovation.
CONGRATULATIONS President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino. You acknowledge God to the whole world.
Below is the full text of Pres Noy's speech in Filipino:
State of the Nation Address of President Benigno S. Aquino III
Today at 5:14pm
July 26, 2010
Batasan Pambansa Complex
Quezon City
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte; Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile; Vice President Jejomar Binay; Chief Justice Renato Corona; Former Presidents Fidel Valdez Ramos and Joseph Ejercito Estrada; members of the House of Representatives and the Senate; distinguished members of the diplomatic corps; my fellow workers in government;
Mga minamahal kong kababayan:
Sa bawat sandali po ng pamamahala ay nahaharap tayo sa isang sangandaan.
Sa isang banda po ay ang pagpili para sa ikabubuti ng taumbayan. Ang pagtanaw sa interes ng nakakarami; at pagkapit sa prinsipyo; at ang pagiging tapat sa sinumpaan nating tungkulin bilang lingkod-bayan. Ito po ang tuwid na daan.
Sa kabilang banda ay ang pag-una sa pansariling interes. Ang pagpapaalipin sa pulitikal na konsiderasyon, at pagsasakripisyo ng kapakanan ng taumbayan. Ito po ang baluktot na daan.
Matagal pong naligaw ang pamahalaan sa daang baluktot. Araw-araw po, lalong lumilinaw sa akin ang lawak ng problemang ating namana. Damang-dama ko ang bigat ng aking responsibilidad.
Sa unang tatlong linggo ng aming panunungkulan, marami po kaming natuklasan. Nais ko pong ipahayag sa inyo ang iilan lamang sa mga namana nating suliranin at ang ginagawa naming hakbang para lutasin ang mga ito.
Sulyap lamang po ito; hindi pa ito ang lahat ng problemang haharapin natin. Inilihim at sadyang iniligaw ang sambayanan sa totoong kalagayan ng ating bansa.
Sa unang anim na buwan ng taon, mas malaki ang ginastos ng gobyerno kaysa sa pumasok na kita. Lalong lumaki ang deficit natin, na umakyat na sa 196.7 billion pesos. Sa target na kuleksyon, kinapos tayo ng 23.8 billion pesos; ang tinataya namang gastos, nalagpasan lang natin ng 45.1 billion pesos.
Ang budget po sa 2010 ay 1.54 trillion pesos.
Nasa isandaang bilyong piso o anim at kalahating porsyento na lang ng kabuuan ang malaya nating magagamit para sa nalalabing anim na buwan ng taong ito.
Halos isang porsyento na lang po ng kabuuang budget ang natitira para sa bawat buwan.
Saan naman po dinala ang pera?
Naglaan ng dalawang bilyong piso na Calamity Fund bilang paghahanda para sa mga kalamidad na hindi pa nangyayari. Napakaliit na nga ng pondong ito, ngunit kapapasok pa lang natin sa panahon ng baha at bagyo, 1.4 billion pesos o sitenta porsyento (70%) na ang nagastos.
Sa kabuuan ng 108 million pesos para sa lalawigan ng Pampanga, 105 million pesos nito ay napunta sa iisang distrito lamang.
Samantala, ang lalawigan ng Pangasinan na sinalanta ng Pepeng ay nakatanggap ng limang milyong piso (P5M) lamang para sa pinsalang idinulot ng bagyong Cosme, na nangyari noong 2008 pa.
Ibinigay po ang pondo ng Pampanga sa buwan ng eleksyon, pitong buwan pagkatapos ng Ondoy at Pepeng. Paano kung bumagyo bukas? Inubos na ang pondo nito para sa bagyong nangyari noong isang taon pa. Pagbabayaran ng kinabukasan ang kasakiman ng nakaraan.
Ganyan din po ang nangyari sa pondo ng MWSS. Kamakailan lamang, pumipila ang mga tao para lang makakuha ng tubig. Sa kabila nito, minabuti pa ng liderato ng MWSS na magbigay ng gantimpala sa sarili kahit hindi pa nababayaran ang pensyon ng mga retiradong empleyado.
Noong 2009, ang buong payroll ng MWSS ay 51.4 million pesos. Pero hindi lang naman po ito ang sahod nila; may mga additional allowances at benefits pa sila na aabot sa 160.1 million pesos.
Sa madaling sabi, nakatanggap sila ng 211.5 million pesos noong nakaraang taon.
Beinte-kuwatro porsyento (24%) lang nito ang normal na sahod, at sitenta'y sais porsyento ang dagdag.
Ang karaniwang manggagawa hanggang 13th month pay plus cash gift lang ang nakukuha.
Sa MWSS, aabot sa katumbas ng mahigit sa tatlumpung buwan ang sahod kasama na ang lahat ng mga bonuses at allowances na nakuha nila.
Mas matindi po ang natuklasan natin sa pasahod ng kanilang Board of Trustees. Tingnan po natin ang mga allowances na tinatanggap nila:
Umupo ka lang sa Board of Trustees at Board Committee meeting, katorse mil na. Aabot ng nobenta'y otso mil ito kada buwan. May grocery incentive pa sila na otsenta mil kada taon.
Hindi lang iyon: may mid-year bonus, productivity bonus, anniversary bonus, year-end bonus, at Financial Assistance. May Christmas bonus na, may Additional Christmas Package pa. Kada isa sa mga ito, nobenta'y otso mil.
Sa suma total po, aabot ang lahat ng dalawa't kalahating milyong piso kada taon sa bawat miyembro ng Board maliban sa pakotse, technical assistance, at pautang. Uulitin ko po. Lahat ng ito ay ibinibigay nila sa kanilang mga sarili habang hindi pa nababayaran ang mga pensyon ng kanilang mga retirees.
Pati po ang La Mesa Watershed ay hindi nila pinatawad. Para magkaroon ng tamang supply ng tubig, kailangang alagaan ang mga watershed. Sa watershed, puno ang kailangan.
Pati po iyon na dapat puno ang nakatayo, tinayuan nila ng bahay para sa matataas na opisyal ng MWSS.
Hindi naman sila agad maaalis sa puwesto dahil kabilang sila sa mga Midnight Appointees ni dating Pangulong Arroyo.
Iniimbestigahan na natin ang lahat nang ito. Kung mayroon pa silang kahit kaunting hiya na natitira - sana kusa na lang silang magbitiw sa puwesto.
Pag-usapan naman po natin ang pondo para sa imprastruktura. Tumukoy ang DPWH ng dalawandaan apatnapu't anim na priority safety projects na popondohan ng Motor Vehicle Users Charge. Mangangailangan po ito ng budget na 425 million pesos.
Ang pinondohan po, dalawampu't walong proyekto lang. Kinalimutan po ang dalawandaan at labing walong proyekto at pinalitan ng pitumpung proyekto na wala naman sa plano. Ang hininging 425 million pesos, naging 480 million pesos pa, lumaki lalo dahil sa mga proyektong sa piling-piling mga benepisyaryo lang napunta.
Mga proyekto po itong walang saysay, hindi pinag-aralan at hindi pinaghandaan, kaya parang kabuteng sumusulpot.
Tapos na po ang panahon para dito. Sa administrasyon po natin, walang kota-kota, walang tongpats, ang pera ng taumbayan ay gagastusin para sa taumbayan lamang.
Meron pa po tayong natuklasan. Limang araw bago matapos ang termino ng nakaraang administrasyon, nagpautos silang maglabas ng 3.5 billion pesos para sa rehabilitasyon ng mga nasalanta nina Ondoy at Pepeng.
Walumpu't anim na proyekto ang paglalaanan dapat nito na hindi na sana idadaan sa public bidding. Labingsiyam sa mga ito na nagkakahalaga ng 981 million pesos ang muntik nang makalusot. Hindi pa nailalabas ang Special Allotment Release Order ay pirmado na ang mga kontrata.
Buti na lang po ay natuklasan at pinigilan ito ni Secretary Rogelio Singson ng DPWH. Ngayon po ay dadaan na ang kabuuan ng 3.5 billion pesos sa tapat na bidding, at magagamit na ang pondo na ito sa pagbibigay ng lingap sa mga nawalan ng tahanan dahil kina Ondoy at Pepeng.
Pag-usapan naman natin ang nangyari sa NAPOCOR. Noong 2001 hanggang 2004, pinilit ng gobyerno ang NAPOCOR na magbenta ng kuryente nang palugi para hindi tumaas ang presyo. Tila ang dahilan: pinaghahandaan na nila ang eleksyon.
Dahil dito, noong 2004, sumagad ang pagkakabaon sa utang ng NAPOCOR. Napilitan ang pambansang gobyerno na sagutin ang dalawandaang bilyong pisong utang nito.
Ang inakala ng taumbayan na natipid nila sa kuryente ay binabayaran din natin mula sa kaban ng bayan. May gastos na tayo sa kuryente, binabayaran pa natin ang dagdag na pagkakautang ng gobyerno.
Kung naging matino ang pag-utang, sana'y nadagdagan ang ating kasiguruhan sa supply ng kuryente. Pero ang desisyon ay ibinatay sa maling pulitika, at hindi sa pangangailangan ng taumbayan. Ang taumbayan, matapos pinagsakripisyo ay lalo pang pinahihirapan.
Ganito rin po ang nangyari sa MRT. Sinubukan na namang bilhin ang ating pagmamahal. Pinilit ang operator na panatilihing mababa ang pamasahe.
Hindi tuloy nagampanan ang garantiyang ibinigay sa operator na mababawi nila ang kanilang puhunan. Dahil dito, inutusan ang Landbank at Development Bank of the Philippines na bilhin ang MRT.
Ang pera ng taumbayan, ipinagpalit sa isang naluluging operasyon.
Dumako naman po tayo sa pondo ng NFA.
Noong 2004: 117,000 metric tons ang pagkukulang ng supply ng Pilipinas. Ang binili nila, 900,000 metric tons. Kahit ulitin mo pa ng mahigit pitong beses ang pagkukulang, sobra pa rin ang binili nila.
Noong 2007: 589,000 metric tons ang pagkukulang ng supply sa Pilipinas. Ang binili nila, 1.827 million metric tons. Kahit ulitin mo pa ng mahigit tatlong beses ang pagkukulang, sobra na naman ang binili nila.
Ang masakit nito, dahil sobra-sobra ang binibili nila taun-taon, nabubulok lang pala sa mga kamalig ang bigas, kagaya ng nangyari noong 2008.
Hindi po ba krimen ito, na hinahayaan nilang mabulok ang bigas, sa kabila ng apat na milyong Pilipinong hindi kumakain ng tatlong beses sa isang araw?
Ang resulta nito, umabot na sa 171.6 billion pesos ang utang ng NFA noong Mayo ng taong ito.
Ang tinapon na ito, halos puwede na sanang pondohan ang mga sumusunod:
Ang budget ng buong Hudikatura, na 12.7 billion pesos sa taong ito.
Ang Conditional Cash Transfers para sa susunod na taon, na nagkakahalaga ng 29.6 billion pesos.
Ang lahat ng classroom na kailangan ng ating bansa, na nagkakahalaga ng 130 billion pesos.
Kasuklam-suklam ang kalakarang ito. Pera na, naging bato pa.
Narinig po ninyo kung paano nilustay ang kaban ng bayan. Ang malinaw po sa ngayon: ang anumang pagbabago ay magmumula sa pagsiguro natin na magwawakas na ang pagiging maluho at pagwawaldas.
Kaya nga po mula ngayon: ititigil na natin ang paglulustay sa salapi ng bayan.
Tatanggalin natin ang mga proyektong mali.
Ito po ang punto ng tinatawag nating zero-based approach sa ating budget. Ang naging kalakaran po, taun-taon ay inuulit lamang ang budget na puno ng tagas. Dadagdagan lang nang konti, puwede na.
Sa susunod na buwan ay maghahain tayo ng budget na kumikilala nang tama sa mga problema, at magtutuon din ng pansin sa tamang solusyon.
Ilan lang ito sa mga natuklasan nating problema. Heto naman po ang ilang halimbawa ng mga hakbang na ginagawa natin.
Nandiyan po ang kaso ng isang may-ari ng sanglaan. Bumili siya ng sasakyang tinatayang nasa dalawampu't anim na milyong piso ang halaga.
Kung kaya mong bumili ng Lamborghini, bakit hindi mo kayang magbayad ng buwis?
Nasampahan na po ito ng kaso. Sa pangunguna nina Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, BIR Commissioner Kim Henares at Customs Commissioner Lito Alvarez, bawat linggo po ay may bago tayong kasong isinasampa kontra sa mga smuggler at sa mga hindi nagbabayad ng tamang buwis.
Natukoy na rin po ang salarin sa mga kaso nina Francisco Baldomero, Jose Daguio at Miguel Belen, tatlo sa anim na insidente ng extralegal killings mula nang umupo tayo.
Singkuwenta porsyento po ng mga insidente ng extralegal killings na nangyari sa maikling taon ng ating panunungkulan ang patungo na sa kanilang resolusyon.
Ang natitira pong kalahati ay hindi natin tatantanan ang pag-usig hanggang makamit ang katarungan.
Pananagutin natin ang mga mamamatay-tao. Pananagutin din natin ang mga corrupt sa gobyerno.
Nagsimula nang mabuo ang ating Truth Commission, sa pangunguna ni dating Chief Justice Hilario Davide. Hahanapin natin ang katotohanan sa mga nangyari diumanong katiwalian noong nakaraang siyam na taon.
Sa loob ng linggong ito, pipirmahan ko ang kauna-unahang Executive Order na nagtatalaga sa pagbuo nitong Truth Commission.
Kung ang sagot sa kawalan ng katarungan ay pananagutan, ang sagot naman sa kakulangan natin sa pondo ay mga makabago at malikhaing paraan para tugunan ang mga pagkatagal-tagal nang problema.
Napakarami po ng ating pangangailangan: mula sa edukasyon, imprastruktura, pangkalusugan, pangangailangan ng militar at kapulisan, at marami pang iba. Hindi kakasya ang pondo para mapunan ang lahat ng ito.
Kahit gaano po kalaki ang kakulangan para mapunuan ang mga listahan ng ating pangangailangan, ganado pa rin ako dahil marami nang nagpakita ng panibagong interes at kumpyansa sa Pilipinas.
Ito ang magiging solusyon: mga Public-Private Partnerships. Kahit wala pa pong pirmahang nangyayari dito, masasabi kong maganda ang magiging bunga ng maraming usapin (ukol ditto).
May mga nagpakita na po ng interes, gustong magtayo ng expressway na mula Maynila, tatahak ng Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, hanggang sa dulo ng Cagayan Valley nang hindi gugugol ang estado kahit na po piso.
Sa larangan ng ating Sandatahang Lakas:
Mayroon po tayong 36,000 nautical miles na baybayin. Ang mayroon lamang tayo: tatlumpu't dalawang barko. Itong mga barkong ito, panahon pa ni General MacArthur.
May nagmungkahi sa atin, ito ang proposisyon: uupahan po nila ang headquarters ng Navy sa Roxas Boulevard at ang Naval Station sa Fort Bonifacio.
Sagot po nila ang paglipat ng Navy Headquarters sa Camp Aguinaldo. Agaran, bibigyan tayo ng isandaang milyong dolyar. At dagdag pa sa lahat nang iyan, magsusubi pa sila sa atin ng kita mula sa mga negosyong itatayo nila sa uupahan nilang lupa.
Sa madali pong sabi: Makukuha natin ang kailangan natin, hindi tatayo gagastos, kikita pa tayo.
Marami na pong nag-alok at nagmungkahi sa atin, mula lokal hanggang dayuhang negosyante, na magpuno ng iba't ibang pangangailangan.
Mula sa mga public-private partnerships na ito, lalago ang ating ekonomiya, at bawat Pilipino makikinabang. Napakaraming sektor na matutulungan nito.
Maipapatayo na po ang imprastrukturang kailangan natin para palaguin ang turismo.
Sa agrikultura, makapagtatayo na tayo ng mga grains terminals, refrigeration facilities, maayos na road networks at post-harvest facilities.
Kung maisasaayos natin ang ating food supply chain sa tulong ng pribadong sektor, sa halip na mag-angkat tayo ay maari na sana tayong mangarap na mag-supply sa pandaigdigang merkado.
Kung maitatayo ang minumungkahi sa ating mga railway system, bababa ang presyo ng bilihin. Mas mura, mas mabilis, mas maginhawa, at makakaiwas pa sa kotong cops at mga kumokotong na rebelde ang mga bumibiyahe.
Paalala lang po: una sa ating plataporma ang paglikha ng mga trabaho, at nanggagaling ang trabaho sa paglago ng industriya. Lalago lamang ang industriya kung gagawin nating mas malinis, mas mabilis, at mas maginhawa ang proseso para sa mga gustong magnegosyo.
Pabibilisin natin ang proseso ng mga proyektong sumasailalim sa Build-Operate-Transfer. Sa tulong ng lahat ng sangay ng gobyerno at ng mga mamamayan, pabababain natin sa anim na buwan ang proseso na noon ay inaabot ng taon kung hindi dekada.
May mga hakbang na rin pong sinisimulan ang DTI, sa pamumuno ni Secretary Gregory Domingo:
Ang walang-katapusang pabalik-balik sa proseso ng pagrehistro ng pangalan ng kumpanya, na kada dalaw ay umaabot ng apat hanggang walong oras, ibababa na natin sa labinlimang minuto.
Ang dating listahan ng tatlumpu't anim na dokumento, ibababa natin sa anim. Ang dating walong pahinang application form, ibababa natin sa isang pahina.
Nananawagan ako sa ating mga LGUs. Habang naghahanap tayo ng paraan para gawing mas mabilis ang pagbubukas ng mga negosyo, pag-aralan din sana nila ang kanilang mga proseso. Kailangan itong gawing mas mabilis, at kailangan itong itugma sa mga sinisumulan nating reporma.
Negosyante, sundalo, rebelde, at karaniwang Pilipino, lahat po makikinabang dito. Basta po hindi dehado ang Pilipino, papasukin po natin lahat iyan.
Kailangan na po nating simulan ang pagtutulungan para makamit ito. Huwag nating pahirapan ang isa't isa.
Parating na po ang panahon na hindi na natin kailangang mamili sa pagitan ng seguridad ng ating mamamayan o sa kinabukasan ng inyong mga anak.
Oras na maipatupad ang public-private partnerships na ito, mapopondohan ang mga serbisyong panlipunan, alinsunod sa ating plataporma.
Magkakapondo na po para maipatupad ang mga plano natin sa edukasyon.
Mapapalawak natin ang basic education cycle mula sa napakaikling sampung taon tungo sa global standard na labindalawang taon.
Madadagdagan natin ang mga classroom. Mapopondohan natin ang service contracting sa ilalim ng GASTPE.
Pati ang conditional cash transfers, na magbabawas ng pabigat sa bulsa ng mga pamilya, madadagdan na rin ng pondo.
Maipapatupad ang plano natin sa PhilHealth.
Una, tutukuyin natin ang tunay na bilang ng mga nangangailangan nito. Sa ngayon, hindi magkakatugma ang datos. Sabi ng PhilHealth sa isang bibig, walumpu't pitong porsyento na raw ang merong coverage. Sa kabilang bibig naman, singkuwenta'y tres porsyento. Ayon naman sa National Statistics Office, tatlumpu't walong porsyento ang may coverage.
Ngayon pa lang, kumikilos na si Secretary Dinky Soliman at ang DSWD upang ipatupad ang National Household Targetting System, na magtutukoy sa mga pamilyang higit na nagangailangan ng tulong. Tinatayang siyam na bilyon ang kailangan para mabigyan ng PhilHealth ang limang milyong pinakamaralitang pamilyang Pilipino.
Napakaganda po ng hinaharap natin. Kasama na po natin ang pribadong sektor, at kasama na rin natin ang League of Provinces, sa pangunguna nina Governor Alfonso Umali kasama sina Governor L-Ray Villafuerte at Governor Icot Petilla. Handa na pong makipagtulungan para makibahagi sa pagtustos ng mga gastusin. Alam ko rin pong hindi magpapahuli ang League of Cities sa pangunguna ni Mayor Oscar Rodriguez.
Kung ang mga gobyernong lokal ay nakikiramay na sa ating mga adhikain, ang Kongreso namang pinanggalingan ko, siguro naman maasahan ko din.
Nagpakitang-gilas na po ang gabinete sa pagtukoy ng ating mga problema at sa paglulunsad ng mga solusyon sa loob lamang ng tatlong linggo.
Nang bagyo pong Basyang, ang sabi sa atin ng mga may prangkisa sa kuryente, apat na araw na walang kuryente. Dahil sa mabilis na pagkilos ni Secretary Rene Almendras at ng Department of Energy, naibalik ang kuryente sa halos lahat sa loob lamang ng beinte-kwatro oras.
Ito pong sinasabing kakulangan sa tubig sa Metro Manila, kinilusan agad ni Secretary Rogelio Singson at ng DPWH. Hindi na siya naghintay ng utos, kaya nabawasan ang perwisyo.
Nakita na rin natin ang gilas ng mga hinirang nating makatulong sa Gabinete. Makatuwiran naman po sigurong umasa na hindi na sila padadaanin sa butas ng karayom para makumpirma ng Commission on Appointments. Kung mangyayari po ito, marami pa sa mga mahuhusay na Pilipino ang maeengganyong magsilbi sa gobyerno.
Sa lalong madaling panahon po, uupo na tayo sa LEDAC at pag-uusapan ang mga mahahalagang batas na kailangan nating ipasa. Makakaasa kayo na mananatiling bukas ang aking isipan, at ang ating ugnayan ay mananatiling tapat.
Isinusulong po natin ang Fiscal Responsibility Bill, kung saan hindi tayo magpapasa ng batas na mangangailangan ng pondo kung hindi pa natukoy ang panggagalingan nito. May 104.1 billion pesos tayong kailangan para pondohan ang mga batas na naipasa na, ngunit hindi maipatupad.
Kailangan din nating isaayos ang mga insentibong piskal na ibinigay noong nakaraan. Ngayong naghihigpit tayo ng sinturon, kailangang balikan kung alin sa mga ito ang dapat manatili at kung ano ang dapat nang itigil.
Huwag po tayong pumayag na magkaroon ng isa pang NBN-ZTE. Sa lokal man o dayuhan manggagaling ang pondo, dapat dumaan ito sa tamang proseso. Hinihingi ko po ang tulong ninyo upang amiyendahan ang ating Procurement Law.
Ayon po sa Saligang Batas, tungkulin ng estado ang siguruhing walang lamangan sa merkado. Bawal ang monopolya, bawal ang mga cartel na sasakal sa kumpetisyon. Kailangan po natin ng isang Anti-Trust Law na magbibigay-buhay sa mga prinsipyong ito. Ito ang magbibigay ng pagkakataon sa mga Small- at Medium-scale Enterprises na makilahok at tumulong sa paglago ng ating ekonomiya.
Ipasa na po natin ang National Land Use Bill.
Una rin pong naging batas ng Commonwealth ang National Defense Act, na ipinasa noon pang 1935. Kailangan nang palitan ito ng batas na tutugon sa pangangailangan ng pambansang seguridad sa kasalukuyan.
Nakikiusap po akong isulong ang Whistleblower's Bill upang patuloy nang iwaksi ang kultura ng takot at pananahimik.
Palalakasin pa lalo ang Witness Protection Program. Alalahanin po natin na noong taong 2009 hanggang 2010, may nahatulan sa 95% ng mga kaso kung saan may witness na sumailalim sa programang ito.
Kailangang repasuhin ang ating mga batas. Nanawagan po akong umpisahan na ang rekodipikasyon ng ating mga batas, upang siguruhing magkakatugma sila at hindi salu-salungat.
Ito pong mga batas na ito ang batayan ng kaayusan, ngunit ang pundasyon ng lahat ng ginagawa natin ay ang prinsipyong wala tayong mararating kung walang kapayapaan at katahimikan.
Dalawa ang hinaharap nating suliranin sa usapin ng kapayapaan: ang situwasyon sa Mindanao, at ang patuloy na pag-aaklas ng CPP-NPA-NDF.
Tungkol sa situwasyon sa Mindanao: Hindi po nagbabago ang ating pananaw. Mararating lamang ang kapayapaan at katahimikan kung mag-uusap ang lahat ng apektado: Moro, Lumad, at Kristiyano. Inatasan na natin si Dean Marvic Leonen na mangasiwa sa ginagawa nating pakikipag-usap sa MILF.
Iiwasan natin ang mga pagkakamaling nangyari sa nakaraang administrasyon, kung saan binulaga na lang ang mga mamamayan ng Mindanao. Hindi tayo puwedeng magbulag-bulagan sa mga dudang may kulay ng pulitika ang proseso, at hindi ang kapakanan ng taumbayan ang tanging interes.
Kinikilala natin ang mga hakbang na ginagawa ng MILF sa pamamagitan ng pagdidisplina sa kanilang hanay. Inaasahan natin na muling magsisimula ang negosasyon pagkatapos ng Ramadan.
Tungkol naman po sa CPP-NPA-NDF: handa na ba kayong maglaan ng kongkretong mungkahi, sa halip na pawang batikos lamang?
Kung kapayapaan din ang hangad ninyo, handa po kami sa malawakang tigil-putukan. Kayo po ba ay handa na din? Mag-usap tayo.
Mahirap magsimula ang usapan habang mayroon pang amoy ng pulbura sa hangin. Nananawagan ako: huwag po natin hayaang masayang ang napakagandang pagkakataong ito upang magtipon sa ilalim ng iisang adhikain.
Kapayapaan at katahimikan po ang pundasyon ng kaunlaran. Habang nagpapatuloy ang barilan, patuloy din ang pagkakagapos natin sa kahirapan.
Dapat din po nating mabatid: ito ay panahon ng sakripisyo. At ang sakripisyong ito ay magiging puhunan para sa ating kinabukasan. Kaakibat ng ating mga karapatan at kalayaan ay ang tungkulin natin sa kapwa at sa bayan.
Inaasahan ko po ang ating mga kaibigan sa media, lalo na sa radyo at sa print, sa mga nagbablock-time, at sa community newspapers, kayo na po mismo ang magbantay sa inyong hanay.
Mabigyang-buhay sana ang mga batayang prinsipyo ng inyong bokasyon: ang magbigay-linaw sa mahahalagang isyu; ang maging patas at makatotohanan, at ang itaas ang antas ng pampublikong diskurso.
Tungkulin po ng bawat Pilipino na tutukan ang mga pinunong tayo rin naman ang nagluklok sa puwesto. Humakbang mula sa pakikialam tungo sa pakikilahok. Dahil ang nakikialam, walang-hanggan ang reklamo.
Ang nakikilahok, nakikibahagi sa solusyon.
Napakatagal na pong namamayani ang pananaw na ang susi sa asenso ay ang intindihin ang sarili kaysa intindihin ang kapwa. Malinaw po sa akin: paano tayo aasenso habang nilalamangan ang kapwa?
Ang hindi nabigyan ng pagkakataong mag-aral, paanong makakakuha ng trabaho? Kung walang trabaho, paanong magiging konsumer? Paanong mag-iimpok sa bangko?
Ngunit kung babaliktarin natin ang pananaw-kung iisipin nating "Dadagdagan ko ang kakayahan ng aking kapwa"-magbubunga po ito, at ang lahat ay magkakaroon ng pagkakataon.
Maganda na po ang nasimulan natin. At mas lalong maganda po ang mararating natin. Ngunit huwag nating kalimutan na mayroong mga nagnanasang hindi tayo magtagumpay. Dahil kapag hindi tayo
nagtagumpay, makakabalik na naman sila sa kapangyarihan, at sa pagsasamantala sa taumbayan.
Akin pong paniwala na Diyos at taumbayan ang nagdala sa ating kinalalagyan ngayon. Habang nakatutok tayo sa kapakanan ng ating kapwa, bendisyon at patnubay ay tiyak na maaasahan natin sa Poong Maykapal. At kapag nanalig tayo na ang kasangga natin ay ang Diyos, mayroon ba tayong hindi kakayanin?
Ang mandato nating nakuha sa huling eleksyon ay patunay na umaasa pa rin ang Pilipino sa pagbabago. Iba na talaga ang situwasyon. Puwede na muling mangarap. Tayo nang tumungo sa katuparan ng ating mga pinangarap.
Maraming salamat po.
For more of the news on SONA, go to:
What happened in the past administration is the proliferation of greed, thinking of your own pocket rather than the small people, like in MWSS. The pension for its retired employees have not been paid, and yet the salaries, allowances given to its officers are fabulous, to say the least.
The report on MRT, NAPOCOR, MWSS, rice importation where rice is rotting in the NFA warehouse while millions of Filipinos are hungry is considered by PNoy as a crime.
Pres Noy said that there are public and private sectors who will be helping to build the country. One is the building of a railway from Manila down to Cagayan which will help to bring the prices of the planters down. The infrastructure will be at no cost to the government. Another one is the offer to move the Phil Navy to Camp Aguinaldo. The Philippine Navy will be rented out which will bring income to the government. In addition to this, they will help to modernize the ships of the Philippine Navy at no cost to the government.
Pres Noy called on the CPP-NPP to not just complain, but offer concrete suggestions to the government.
The most beautiful for me was when he said that the situation should be reversed, that is, before thinking of self, think of the other people first (don’t put one over the other), because if the people prosper, this means good for the business, banks, etc.
He ended his speech by saying that we should rely on God for direction, and that the people can now start to dream.
Pres Noy delivered his speech without any notes, no gimmicks as reported earlier.
It was a well applauded applause and a standing ovation.
CONGRATULATIONS President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino. You acknowledge God to the whole world.
Below is the full text of Pres Noy's speech in Filipino:
State of the Nation Address of President Benigno S. Aquino III
Today at 5:14pm
July 26, 2010
Batasan Pambansa Complex
Quezon City
Speaker Feliciano Belmonte; Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile; Vice President Jejomar Binay; Chief Justice Renato Corona; Former Presidents Fidel Valdez Ramos and Joseph Ejercito Estrada; members of the House of Representatives and the Senate; distinguished members of the diplomatic corps; my fellow workers in government;
Mga minamahal kong kababayan:
Sa bawat sandali po ng pamamahala ay nahaharap tayo sa isang sangandaan.
Sa isang banda po ay ang pagpili para sa ikabubuti ng taumbayan. Ang pagtanaw sa interes ng nakakarami; at pagkapit sa prinsipyo; at ang pagiging tapat sa sinumpaan nating tungkulin bilang lingkod-bayan. Ito po ang tuwid na daan.
Sa kabilang banda ay ang pag-una sa pansariling interes. Ang pagpapaalipin sa pulitikal na konsiderasyon, at pagsasakripisyo ng kapakanan ng taumbayan. Ito po ang baluktot na daan.
Matagal pong naligaw ang pamahalaan sa daang baluktot. Araw-araw po, lalong lumilinaw sa akin ang lawak ng problemang ating namana. Damang-dama ko ang bigat ng aking responsibilidad.
Sa unang tatlong linggo ng aming panunungkulan, marami po kaming natuklasan. Nais ko pong ipahayag sa inyo ang iilan lamang sa mga namana nating suliranin at ang ginagawa naming hakbang para lutasin ang mga ito.
Sulyap lamang po ito; hindi pa ito ang lahat ng problemang haharapin natin. Inilihim at sadyang iniligaw ang sambayanan sa totoong kalagayan ng ating bansa.
Sa unang anim na buwan ng taon, mas malaki ang ginastos ng gobyerno kaysa sa pumasok na kita. Lalong lumaki ang deficit natin, na umakyat na sa 196.7 billion pesos. Sa target na kuleksyon, kinapos tayo ng 23.8 billion pesos; ang tinataya namang gastos, nalagpasan lang natin ng 45.1 billion pesos.
Ang budget po sa 2010 ay 1.54 trillion pesos.
Nasa isandaang bilyong piso o anim at kalahating porsyento na lang ng kabuuan ang malaya nating magagamit para sa nalalabing anim na buwan ng taong ito.
Halos isang porsyento na lang po ng kabuuang budget ang natitira para sa bawat buwan.
Saan naman po dinala ang pera?
Naglaan ng dalawang bilyong piso na Calamity Fund bilang paghahanda para sa mga kalamidad na hindi pa nangyayari. Napakaliit na nga ng pondong ito, ngunit kapapasok pa lang natin sa panahon ng baha at bagyo, 1.4 billion pesos o sitenta porsyento (70%) na ang nagastos.
Sa kabuuan ng 108 million pesos para sa lalawigan ng Pampanga, 105 million pesos nito ay napunta sa iisang distrito lamang.
Samantala, ang lalawigan ng Pangasinan na sinalanta ng Pepeng ay nakatanggap ng limang milyong piso (P5M) lamang para sa pinsalang idinulot ng bagyong Cosme, na nangyari noong 2008 pa.
Ibinigay po ang pondo ng Pampanga sa buwan ng eleksyon, pitong buwan pagkatapos ng Ondoy at Pepeng. Paano kung bumagyo bukas? Inubos na ang pondo nito para sa bagyong nangyari noong isang taon pa. Pagbabayaran ng kinabukasan ang kasakiman ng nakaraan.
Ganyan din po ang nangyari sa pondo ng MWSS. Kamakailan lamang, pumipila ang mga tao para lang makakuha ng tubig. Sa kabila nito, minabuti pa ng liderato ng MWSS na magbigay ng gantimpala sa sarili kahit hindi pa nababayaran ang pensyon ng mga retiradong empleyado.
Noong 2009, ang buong payroll ng MWSS ay 51.4 million pesos. Pero hindi lang naman po ito ang sahod nila; may mga additional allowances at benefits pa sila na aabot sa 160.1 million pesos.
Sa madaling sabi, nakatanggap sila ng 211.5 million pesos noong nakaraang taon.
Beinte-kuwatro porsyento (24%) lang nito ang normal na sahod, at sitenta'y sais porsyento ang dagdag.
Ang karaniwang manggagawa hanggang 13th month pay plus cash gift lang ang nakukuha.
Sa MWSS, aabot sa katumbas ng mahigit sa tatlumpung buwan ang sahod kasama na ang lahat ng mga bonuses at allowances na nakuha nila.
Mas matindi po ang natuklasan natin sa pasahod ng kanilang Board of Trustees. Tingnan po natin ang mga allowances na tinatanggap nila:
Umupo ka lang sa Board of Trustees at Board Committee meeting, katorse mil na. Aabot ng nobenta'y otso mil ito kada buwan. May grocery incentive pa sila na otsenta mil kada taon.
Hindi lang iyon: may mid-year bonus, productivity bonus, anniversary bonus, year-end bonus, at Financial Assistance. May Christmas bonus na, may Additional Christmas Package pa. Kada isa sa mga ito, nobenta'y otso mil.
Sa suma total po, aabot ang lahat ng dalawa't kalahating milyong piso kada taon sa bawat miyembro ng Board maliban sa pakotse, technical assistance, at pautang. Uulitin ko po. Lahat ng ito ay ibinibigay nila sa kanilang mga sarili habang hindi pa nababayaran ang mga pensyon ng kanilang mga retirees.
Pati po ang La Mesa Watershed ay hindi nila pinatawad. Para magkaroon ng tamang supply ng tubig, kailangang alagaan ang mga watershed. Sa watershed, puno ang kailangan.
Pati po iyon na dapat puno ang nakatayo, tinayuan nila ng bahay para sa matataas na opisyal ng MWSS.
Hindi naman sila agad maaalis sa puwesto dahil kabilang sila sa mga Midnight Appointees ni dating Pangulong Arroyo.
Iniimbestigahan na natin ang lahat nang ito. Kung mayroon pa silang kahit kaunting hiya na natitira - sana kusa na lang silang magbitiw sa puwesto.
Pag-usapan naman po natin ang pondo para sa imprastruktura. Tumukoy ang DPWH ng dalawandaan apatnapu't anim na priority safety projects na popondohan ng Motor Vehicle Users Charge. Mangangailangan po ito ng budget na 425 million pesos.
Ang pinondohan po, dalawampu't walong proyekto lang. Kinalimutan po ang dalawandaan at labing walong proyekto at pinalitan ng pitumpung proyekto na wala naman sa plano. Ang hininging 425 million pesos, naging 480 million pesos pa, lumaki lalo dahil sa mga proyektong sa piling-piling mga benepisyaryo lang napunta.
Mga proyekto po itong walang saysay, hindi pinag-aralan at hindi pinaghandaan, kaya parang kabuteng sumusulpot.
Tapos na po ang panahon para dito. Sa administrasyon po natin, walang kota-kota, walang tongpats, ang pera ng taumbayan ay gagastusin para sa taumbayan lamang.
Meron pa po tayong natuklasan. Limang araw bago matapos ang termino ng nakaraang administrasyon, nagpautos silang maglabas ng 3.5 billion pesos para sa rehabilitasyon ng mga nasalanta nina Ondoy at Pepeng.
Walumpu't anim na proyekto ang paglalaanan dapat nito na hindi na sana idadaan sa public bidding. Labingsiyam sa mga ito na nagkakahalaga ng 981 million pesos ang muntik nang makalusot. Hindi pa nailalabas ang Special Allotment Release Order ay pirmado na ang mga kontrata.
Buti na lang po ay natuklasan at pinigilan ito ni Secretary Rogelio Singson ng DPWH. Ngayon po ay dadaan na ang kabuuan ng 3.5 billion pesos sa tapat na bidding, at magagamit na ang pondo na ito sa pagbibigay ng lingap sa mga nawalan ng tahanan dahil kina Ondoy at Pepeng.
Pag-usapan naman natin ang nangyari sa NAPOCOR. Noong 2001 hanggang 2004, pinilit ng gobyerno ang NAPOCOR na magbenta ng kuryente nang palugi para hindi tumaas ang presyo. Tila ang dahilan: pinaghahandaan na nila ang eleksyon.
Dahil dito, noong 2004, sumagad ang pagkakabaon sa utang ng NAPOCOR. Napilitan ang pambansang gobyerno na sagutin ang dalawandaang bilyong pisong utang nito.
Ang inakala ng taumbayan na natipid nila sa kuryente ay binabayaran din natin mula sa kaban ng bayan. May gastos na tayo sa kuryente, binabayaran pa natin ang dagdag na pagkakautang ng gobyerno.
Kung naging matino ang pag-utang, sana'y nadagdagan ang ating kasiguruhan sa supply ng kuryente. Pero ang desisyon ay ibinatay sa maling pulitika, at hindi sa pangangailangan ng taumbayan. Ang taumbayan, matapos pinagsakripisyo ay lalo pang pinahihirapan.
Ganito rin po ang nangyari sa MRT. Sinubukan na namang bilhin ang ating pagmamahal. Pinilit ang operator na panatilihing mababa ang pamasahe.
Hindi tuloy nagampanan ang garantiyang ibinigay sa operator na mababawi nila ang kanilang puhunan. Dahil dito, inutusan ang Landbank at Development Bank of the Philippines na bilhin ang MRT.
Ang pera ng taumbayan, ipinagpalit sa isang naluluging operasyon.
Dumako naman po tayo sa pondo ng NFA.
Noong 2004: 117,000 metric tons ang pagkukulang ng supply ng Pilipinas. Ang binili nila, 900,000 metric tons. Kahit ulitin mo pa ng mahigit pitong beses ang pagkukulang, sobra pa rin ang binili nila.
Noong 2007: 589,000 metric tons ang pagkukulang ng supply sa Pilipinas. Ang binili nila, 1.827 million metric tons. Kahit ulitin mo pa ng mahigit tatlong beses ang pagkukulang, sobra na naman ang binili nila.
Ang masakit nito, dahil sobra-sobra ang binibili nila taun-taon, nabubulok lang pala sa mga kamalig ang bigas, kagaya ng nangyari noong 2008.
Hindi po ba krimen ito, na hinahayaan nilang mabulok ang bigas, sa kabila ng apat na milyong Pilipinong hindi kumakain ng tatlong beses sa isang araw?
Ang resulta nito, umabot na sa 171.6 billion pesos ang utang ng NFA noong Mayo ng taong ito.
Ang tinapon na ito, halos puwede na sanang pondohan ang mga sumusunod:
Ang budget ng buong Hudikatura, na 12.7 billion pesos sa taong ito.
Ang Conditional Cash Transfers para sa susunod na taon, na nagkakahalaga ng 29.6 billion pesos.
Ang lahat ng classroom na kailangan ng ating bansa, na nagkakahalaga ng 130 billion pesos.
Kasuklam-suklam ang kalakarang ito. Pera na, naging bato pa.
Narinig po ninyo kung paano nilustay ang kaban ng bayan. Ang malinaw po sa ngayon: ang anumang pagbabago ay magmumula sa pagsiguro natin na magwawakas na ang pagiging maluho at pagwawaldas.
Kaya nga po mula ngayon: ititigil na natin ang paglulustay sa salapi ng bayan.
Tatanggalin natin ang mga proyektong mali.
Ito po ang punto ng tinatawag nating zero-based approach sa ating budget. Ang naging kalakaran po, taun-taon ay inuulit lamang ang budget na puno ng tagas. Dadagdagan lang nang konti, puwede na.
Sa susunod na buwan ay maghahain tayo ng budget na kumikilala nang tama sa mga problema, at magtutuon din ng pansin sa tamang solusyon.
Ilan lang ito sa mga natuklasan nating problema. Heto naman po ang ilang halimbawa ng mga hakbang na ginagawa natin.
Nandiyan po ang kaso ng isang may-ari ng sanglaan. Bumili siya ng sasakyang tinatayang nasa dalawampu't anim na milyong piso ang halaga.
Kung kaya mong bumili ng Lamborghini, bakit hindi mo kayang magbayad ng buwis?
Nasampahan na po ito ng kaso. Sa pangunguna nina Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, BIR Commissioner Kim Henares at Customs Commissioner Lito Alvarez, bawat linggo po ay may bago tayong kasong isinasampa kontra sa mga smuggler at sa mga hindi nagbabayad ng tamang buwis.
Natukoy na rin po ang salarin sa mga kaso nina Francisco Baldomero, Jose Daguio at Miguel Belen, tatlo sa anim na insidente ng extralegal killings mula nang umupo tayo.
Singkuwenta porsyento po ng mga insidente ng extralegal killings na nangyari sa maikling taon ng ating panunungkulan ang patungo na sa kanilang resolusyon.
Ang natitira pong kalahati ay hindi natin tatantanan ang pag-usig hanggang makamit ang katarungan.
Pananagutin natin ang mga mamamatay-tao. Pananagutin din natin ang mga corrupt sa gobyerno.
Nagsimula nang mabuo ang ating Truth Commission, sa pangunguna ni dating Chief Justice Hilario Davide. Hahanapin natin ang katotohanan sa mga nangyari diumanong katiwalian noong nakaraang siyam na taon.
Sa loob ng linggong ito, pipirmahan ko ang kauna-unahang Executive Order na nagtatalaga sa pagbuo nitong Truth Commission.
Kung ang sagot sa kawalan ng katarungan ay pananagutan, ang sagot naman sa kakulangan natin sa pondo ay mga makabago at malikhaing paraan para tugunan ang mga pagkatagal-tagal nang problema.
Napakarami po ng ating pangangailangan: mula sa edukasyon, imprastruktura, pangkalusugan, pangangailangan ng militar at kapulisan, at marami pang iba. Hindi kakasya ang pondo para mapunan ang lahat ng ito.
Kahit gaano po kalaki ang kakulangan para mapunuan ang mga listahan ng ating pangangailangan, ganado pa rin ako dahil marami nang nagpakita ng panibagong interes at kumpyansa sa Pilipinas.
Ito ang magiging solusyon: mga Public-Private Partnerships. Kahit wala pa pong pirmahang nangyayari dito, masasabi kong maganda ang magiging bunga ng maraming usapin (ukol ditto).
May mga nagpakita na po ng interes, gustong magtayo ng expressway na mula Maynila, tatahak ng Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya, hanggang sa dulo ng Cagayan Valley nang hindi gugugol ang estado kahit na po piso.
Sa larangan ng ating Sandatahang Lakas:
Mayroon po tayong 36,000 nautical miles na baybayin. Ang mayroon lamang tayo: tatlumpu't dalawang barko. Itong mga barkong ito, panahon pa ni General MacArthur.
May nagmungkahi sa atin, ito ang proposisyon: uupahan po nila ang headquarters ng Navy sa Roxas Boulevard at ang Naval Station sa Fort Bonifacio.
Sagot po nila ang paglipat ng Navy Headquarters sa Camp Aguinaldo. Agaran, bibigyan tayo ng isandaang milyong dolyar. At dagdag pa sa lahat nang iyan, magsusubi pa sila sa atin ng kita mula sa mga negosyong itatayo nila sa uupahan nilang lupa.
Sa madali pong sabi: Makukuha natin ang kailangan natin, hindi tatayo gagastos, kikita pa tayo.
Marami na pong nag-alok at nagmungkahi sa atin, mula lokal hanggang dayuhang negosyante, na magpuno ng iba't ibang pangangailangan.
Mula sa mga public-private partnerships na ito, lalago ang ating ekonomiya, at bawat Pilipino makikinabang. Napakaraming sektor na matutulungan nito.
Maipapatayo na po ang imprastrukturang kailangan natin para palaguin ang turismo.
Sa agrikultura, makapagtatayo na tayo ng mga grains terminals, refrigeration facilities, maayos na road networks at post-harvest facilities.
Kung maisasaayos natin ang ating food supply chain sa tulong ng pribadong sektor, sa halip na mag-angkat tayo ay maari na sana tayong mangarap na mag-supply sa pandaigdigang merkado.
Kung maitatayo ang minumungkahi sa ating mga railway system, bababa ang presyo ng bilihin. Mas mura, mas mabilis, mas maginhawa, at makakaiwas pa sa kotong cops at mga kumokotong na rebelde ang mga bumibiyahe.
Paalala lang po: una sa ating plataporma ang paglikha ng mga trabaho, at nanggagaling ang trabaho sa paglago ng industriya. Lalago lamang ang industriya kung gagawin nating mas malinis, mas mabilis, at mas maginhawa ang proseso para sa mga gustong magnegosyo.
Pabibilisin natin ang proseso ng mga proyektong sumasailalim sa Build-Operate-Transfer. Sa tulong ng lahat ng sangay ng gobyerno at ng mga mamamayan, pabababain natin sa anim na buwan ang proseso na noon ay inaabot ng taon kung hindi dekada.
May mga hakbang na rin pong sinisimulan ang DTI, sa pamumuno ni Secretary Gregory Domingo:
Ang walang-katapusang pabalik-balik sa proseso ng pagrehistro ng pangalan ng kumpanya, na kada dalaw ay umaabot ng apat hanggang walong oras, ibababa na natin sa labinlimang minuto.
Ang dating listahan ng tatlumpu't anim na dokumento, ibababa natin sa anim. Ang dating walong pahinang application form, ibababa natin sa isang pahina.
Nananawagan ako sa ating mga LGUs. Habang naghahanap tayo ng paraan para gawing mas mabilis ang pagbubukas ng mga negosyo, pag-aralan din sana nila ang kanilang mga proseso. Kailangan itong gawing mas mabilis, at kailangan itong itugma sa mga sinisumulan nating reporma.
Negosyante, sundalo, rebelde, at karaniwang Pilipino, lahat po makikinabang dito. Basta po hindi dehado ang Pilipino, papasukin po natin lahat iyan.
Kailangan na po nating simulan ang pagtutulungan para makamit ito. Huwag nating pahirapan ang isa't isa.
Parating na po ang panahon na hindi na natin kailangang mamili sa pagitan ng seguridad ng ating mamamayan o sa kinabukasan ng inyong mga anak.
Oras na maipatupad ang public-private partnerships na ito, mapopondohan ang mga serbisyong panlipunan, alinsunod sa ating plataporma.
Magkakapondo na po para maipatupad ang mga plano natin sa edukasyon.
Mapapalawak natin ang basic education cycle mula sa napakaikling sampung taon tungo sa global standard na labindalawang taon.
Madadagdagan natin ang mga classroom. Mapopondohan natin ang service contracting sa ilalim ng GASTPE.
Pati ang conditional cash transfers, na magbabawas ng pabigat sa bulsa ng mga pamilya, madadagdan na rin ng pondo.
Maipapatupad ang plano natin sa PhilHealth.
Una, tutukuyin natin ang tunay na bilang ng mga nangangailangan nito. Sa ngayon, hindi magkakatugma ang datos. Sabi ng PhilHealth sa isang bibig, walumpu't pitong porsyento na raw ang merong coverage. Sa kabilang bibig naman, singkuwenta'y tres porsyento. Ayon naman sa National Statistics Office, tatlumpu't walong porsyento ang may coverage.
Ngayon pa lang, kumikilos na si Secretary Dinky Soliman at ang DSWD upang ipatupad ang National Household Targetting System, na magtutukoy sa mga pamilyang higit na nagangailangan ng tulong. Tinatayang siyam na bilyon ang kailangan para mabigyan ng PhilHealth ang limang milyong pinakamaralitang pamilyang Pilipino.
Napakaganda po ng hinaharap natin. Kasama na po natin ang pribadong sektor, at kasama na rin natin ang League of Provinces, sa pangunguna nina Governor Alfonso Umali kasama sina Governor L-Ray Villafuerte at Governor Icot Petilla. Handa na pong makipagtulungan para makibahagi sa pagtustos ng mga gastusin. Alam ko rin pong hindi magpapahuli ang League of Cities sa pangunguna ni Mayor Oscar Rodriguez.
Kung ang mga gobyernong lokal ay nakikiramay na sa ating mga adhikain, ang Kongreso namang pinanggalingan ko, siguro naman maasahan ko din.
Nagpakitang-gilas na po ang gabinete sa pagtukoy ng ating mga problema at sa paglulunsad ng mga solusyon sa loob lamang ng tatlong linggo.
Nang bagyo pong Basyang, ang sabi sa atin ng mga may prangkisa sa kuryente, apat na araw na walang kuryente. Dahil sa mabilis na pagkilos ni Secretary Rene Almendras at ng Department of Energy, naibalik ang kuryente sa halos lahat sa loob lamang ng beinte-kwatro oras.
Ito pong sinasabing kakulangan sa tubig sa Metro Manila, kinilusan agad ni Secretary Rogelio Singson at ng DPWH. Hindi na siya naghintay ng utos, kaya nabawasan ang perwisyo.
Nakita na rin natin ang gilas ng mga hinirang nating makatulong sa Gabinete. Makatuwiran naman po sigurong umasa na hindi na sila padadaanin sa butas ng karayom para makumpirma ng Commission on Appointments. Kung mangyayari po ito, marami pa sa mga mahuhusay na Pilipino ang maeengganyong magsilbi sa gobyerno.
Sa lalong madaling panahon po, uupo na tayo sa LEDAC at pag-uusapan ang mga mahahalagang batas na kailangan nating ipasa. Makakaasa kayo na mananatiling bukas ang aking isipan, at ang ating ugnayan ay mananatiling tapat.
Isinusulong po natin ang Fiscal Responsibility Bill, kung saan hindi tayo magpapasa ng batas na mangangailangan ng pondo kung hindi pa natukoy ang panggagalingan nito. May 104.1 billion pesos tayong kailangan para pondohan ang mga batas na naipasa na, ngunit hindi maipatupad.
Kailangan din nating isaayos ang mga insentibong piskal na ibinigay noong nakaraan. Ngayong naghihigpit tayo ng sinturon, kailangang balikan kung alin sa mga ito ang dapat manatili at kung ano ang dapat nang itigil.
Huwag po tayong pumayag na magkaroon ng isa pang NBN-ZTE. Sa lokal man o dayuhan manggagaling ang pondo, dapat dumaan ito sa tamang proseso. Hinihingi ko po ang tulong ninyo upang amiyendahan ang ating Procurement Law.
Ayon po sa Saligang Batas, tungkulin ng estado ang siguruhing walang lamangan sa merkado. Bawal ang monopolya, bawal ang mga cartel na sasakal sa kumpetisyon. Kailangan po natin ng isang Anti-Trust Law na magbibigay-buhay sa mga prinsipyong ito. Ito ang magbibigay ng pagkakataon sa mga Small- at Medium-scale Enterprises na makilahok at tumulong sa paglago ng ating ekonomiya.
Ipasa na po natin ang National Land Use Bill.
Una rin pong naging batas ng Commonwealth ang National Defense Act, na ipinasa noon pang 1935. Kailangan nang palitan ito ng batas na tutugon sa pangangailangan ng pambansang seguridad sa kasalukuyan.
Nakikiusap po akong isulong ang Whistleblower's Bill upang patuloy nang iwaksi ang kultura ng takot at pananahimik.
Palalakasin pa lalo ang Witness Protection Program. Alalahanin po natin na noong taong 2009 hanggang 2010, may nahatulan sa 95% ng mga kaso kung saan may witness na sumailalim sa programang ito.
Kailangang repasuhin ang ating mga batas. Nanawagan po akong umpisahan na ang rekodipikasyon ng ating mga batas, upang siguruhing magkakatugma sila at hindi salu-salungat.
Ito pong mga batas na ito ang batayan ng kaayusan, ngunit ang pundasyon ng lahat ng ginagawa natin ay ang prinsipyong wala tayong mararating kung walang kapayapaan at katahimikan.
Dalawa ang hinaharap nating suliranin sa usapin ng kapayapaan: ang situwasyon sa Mindanao, at ang patuloy na pag-aaklas ng CPP-NPA-NDF.
Tungkol sa situwasyon sa Mindanao: Hindi po nagbabago ang ating pananaw. Mararating lamang ang kapayapaan at katahimikan kung mag-uusap ang lahat ng apektado: Moro, Lumad, at Kristiyano. Inatasan na natin si Dean Marvic Leonen na mangasiwa sa ginagawa nating pakikipag-usap sa MILF.
Iiwasan natin ang mga pagkakamaling nangyari sa nakaraang administrasyon, kung saan binulaga na lang ang mga mamamayan ng Mindanao. Hindi tayo puwedeng magbulag-bulagan sa mga dudang may kulay ng pulitika ang proseso, at hindi ang kapakanan ng taumbayan ang tanging interes.
Kinikilala natin ang mga hakbang na ginagawa ng MILF sa pamamagitan ng pagdidisplina sa kanilang hanay. Inaasahan natin na muling magsisimula ang negosasyon pagkatapos ng Ramadan.
Tungkol naman po sa CPP-NPA-NDF: handa na ba kayong maglaan ng kongkretong mungkahi, sa halip na pawang batikos lamang?
Kung kapayapaan din ang hangad ninyo, handa po kami sa malawakang tigil-putukan. Kayo po ba ay handa na din? Mag-usap tayo.
Mahirap magsimula ang usapan habang mayroon pang amoy ng pulbura sa hangin. Nananawagan ako: huwag po natin hayaang masayang ang napakagandang pagkakataong ito upang magtipon sa ilalim ng iisang adhikain.
Kapayapaan at katahimikan po ang pundasyon ng kaunlaran. Habang nagpapatuloy ang barilan, patuloy din ang pagkakagapos natin sa kahirapan.
Dapat din po nating mabatid: ito ay panahon ng sakripisyo. At ang sakripisyong ito ay magiging puhunan para sa ating kinabukasan. Kaakibat ng ating mga karapatan at kalayaan ay ang tungkulin natin sa kapwa at sa bayan.
Inaasahan ko po ang ating mga kaibigan sa media, lalo na sa radyo at sa print, sa mga nagbablock-time, at sa community newspapers, kayo na po mismo ang magbantay sa inyong hanay.
Mabigyang-buhay sana ang mga batayang prinsipyo ng inyong bokasyon: ang magbigay-linaw sa mahahalagang isyu; ang maging patas at makatotohanan, at ang itaas ang antas ng pampublikong diskurso.
Tungkulin po ng bawat Pilipino na tutukan ang mga pinunong tayo rin naman ang nagluklok sa puwesto. Humakbang mula sa pakikialam tungo sa pakikilahok. Dahil ang nakikialam, walang-hanggan ang reklamo.
Ang nakikilahok, nakikibahagi sa solusyon.
Napakatagal na pong namamayani ang pananaw na ang susi sa asenso ay ang intindihin ang sarili kaysa intindihin ang kapwa. Malinaw po sa akin: paano tayo aasenso habang nilalamangan ang kapwa?
Ang hindi nabigyan ng pagkakataong mag-aral, paanong makakakuha ng trabaho? Kung walang trabaho, paanong magiging konsumer? Paanong mag-iimpok sa bangko?
Ngunit kung babaliktarin natin ang pananaw-kung iisipin nating "Dadagdagan ko ang kakayahan ng aking kapwa"-magbubunga po ito, at ang lahat ay magkakaroon ng pagkakataon.
Maganda na po ang nasimulan natin. At mas lalong maganda po ang mararating natin. Ngunit huwag nating kalimutan na mayroong mga nagnanasang hindi tayo magtagumpay. Dahil kapag hindi tayo
nagtagumpay, makakabalik na naman sila sa kapangyarihan, at sa pagsasamantala sa taumbayan.
Akin pong paniwala na Diyos at taumbayan ang nagdala sa ating kinalalagyan ngayon. Habang nakatutok tayo sa kapakanan ng ating kapwa, bendisyon at patnubay ay tiyak na maaasahan natin sa Poong Maykapal. At kapag nanalig tayo na ang kasangga natin ay ang Diyos, mayroon ba tayong hindi kakayanin?
Ang mandato nating nakuha sa huling eleksyon ay patunay na umaasa pa rin ang Pilipino sa pagbabago. Iba na talaga ang situwasyon. Puwede na muling mangarap. Tayo nang tumungo sa katuparan ng ating mga pinangarap.
Maraming salamat po.
For more of the news on SONA, go to:
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Iowa dam bursting could happen in the Philippines
Delhi dam of Iowa bursts because of flooding.
This could happen in the Philippines if the dams are not properly reinforced.
I have mentioned the reinforcement of the dams on my July 12 postings.
For more of the news on the Iowa dam flooding, go to
This could happen in the Philippines if the dams are not properly reinforced.
I have mentioned the reinforcement of the dams on my July 12 postings.
For more of the news on the Iowa dam flooding, go to
The Coming Pres Noy's State of the Nation Address (SONA )
The budget earmarked for the calamity fund is almost used up by the past administration. We still have to face the many typhoons that are expected to visit the Philippines. This is a big problem for Pres Noy. How will he source out the needed funds? Could be by going after tax evaders, or though austerity program by the government; and during the calamity, help from the charitable businessmen.
Go to link below to follow the news on what could be some of Pres Noy’s topics for his first SONA.
When Pres Noy is being interviewed, he does not pause nor say "ah" or "eh" to fill the gap, because his response comes from his heart, the truth.
Below is an opinion of a reader who have admired Pres Noy for his candidness.
Go to link below to follow the news on what could be some of Pres Noy’s topics for his first SONA.
When Pres Noy is being interviewed, he does not pause nor say "ah" or "eh" to fill the gap, because his response comes from his heart, the truth.
Below is an opinion of a reader who have admired Pres Noy for his candidness.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Disaster Control
China's levees broke during torrential rain, and 4,200 were evacuated.
This reminds me of the horrifying Ondoy calamity where lives and properties were lost .
Emergency preparedness is being mobilized by the agency of the government, but have we looked into our dams? I cannot imagine the loss of lives and properties if a dam breaks.
Pres Noy, we hope that the dams are inspected and necessary reinforcements done.
This reminds me of the horrifying Ondoy calamity where lives and properties were lost .
Emergency preparedness is being mobilized by the agency of the government, but have we looked into our dams? I cannot imagine the loss of lives and properties if a dam breaks.
Pres Noy, we hope that the dams are inspected and necessary reinforcements done.
disaster control,
Saturday, July 10, 2010
"The heart is a Fertile Ground"
The public can communicate with President Noynoy through the social networking media Facebook and he has a lot of followers. Althoug it is not a face-to-face communication, which would turn out to be difficult security wise, he fulfilled his promise.
Some people is critizing him by not changing his wardrobe, his shoes included. His attire does not make the man, but his heart is. As Fr. Jerry Orbos said in his program at DZMM Manila: "The heart is a fertile ground. You plant love or hatred, it grows."
Love is planted by President Noy's parents in his heart, so love grows.
Some people is critizing him by not changing his wardrobe, his shoes included. His attire does not make the man, but his heart is. As Fr. Jerry Orbos said in his program at DZMM Manila: "The heart is a fertile ground. You plant love or hatred, it grows."
Love is planted by President Noy's parents in his heart, so love grows.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The many firsts" in Pres Noy's life
Philippine President Noynoy Aquino has many "firsts": first bachelor president, he is the youngest Philippine president at age 51, and many others.
Google Thea Alberto at FTP Fit to Post, First and Other Amusing Facts About Noynoy
Google Thea Alberto at FTP Fit to Post, First and Other Amusing Facts About Noynoy
Philipine Pesident Noy's Inauguration
The inauguration of Benigno Simeon Aquino III as the 15th president of the Philippines was attended by over half million people.
President Noy's speech which was intended only for 10 minutes lasted for 20 minutes. It was well applauded by the hopeful people for a new Philippines.
Some of the noted words of the President are the following:
1. Kung walang corruption, walang mahirap
2. Midnight appontments, sisiyasatin
3. Sisikapin kong punan ang kakulangan sa silid aralan.
4. Hindi pwede and pwede na pagdating sa govenment structures
5. Palalakasin and AFP at PNP
6. Magsasaka tutulungan sa irrigation at iba pa
7. He will cut red tape dramatically
8. Trabaho pararamihin para mabawasan ang pangingibang bansa.
9. There can be no reconciliation without justice
10.Pinatunayan ninyo na ang tao ang tunay na lakas ng bayan.
11. We will be a predictable and consistent place for investment
12. Walang lamangan, walang padrino, walang pagnanakaw
13. Kayo ang boss ko.
14. Nagpasalamat sa kanyang pamilya, mga volunteers at milyun-milyong Pilipino.
15. I am blessed by the legacy of my parents.
For the English translation of Pres Noy's speech , go to under
Inaugural Address of President Benigno Aquino III
Also, read the letter dated August 25, 1973,sent by Ninoy to his son, Noynoy to continue his advocacies and in what seemed to be a fulfilled prophecy. Read "The Ball is now in your Hands" by Thea Alberto
President Noy's speech which was intended only for 10 minutes lasted for 20 minutes. It was well applauded by the hopeful people for a new Philippines.
Some of the noted words of the President are the following:
1. Kung walang corruption, walang mahirap
2. Midnight appontments, sisiyasatin
3. Sisikapin kong punan ang kakulangan sa silid aralan.
4. Hindi pwede and pwede na pagdating sa govenment structures
5. Palalakasin and AFP at PNP
6. Magsasaka tutulungan sa irrigation at iba pa
7. He will cut red tape dramatically
8. Trabaho pararamihin para mabawasan ang pangingibang bansa.
9. There can be no reconciliation without justice
10.Pinatunayan ninyo na ang tao ang tunay na lakas ng bayan.
11. We will be a predictable and consistent place for investment
12. Walang lamangan, walang padrino, walang pagnanakaw
13. Kayo ang boss ko.
14. Nagpasalamat sa kanyang pamilya, mga volunteers at milyun-milyong Pilipino.
15. I am blessed by the legacy of my parents.
For the English translation of Pres Noy's speech , go to under
Inaugural Address of President Benigno Aquino III
Also, read the letter dated August 25, 1973,sent by Ninoy to his son, Noynoy to continue his advocacies and in what seemed to be a fulfilled prophecy. Read "The Ball is now in your Hands" by Thea Alberto
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Eve of Inauguration Mass for Pres Noy's Parents
There critics who say that the former Senator Noynoy Aquino did not shine that well as a senator and he is compared to the other senators who hugged the limelight in the senate.
A person who serves do not have to flaunt the help he is giving, for God knows what is in the heart of a person.
In the same manner, when you tithe, you do not have to announce it to the world.
Philippine President Nonoy is a humble person, he answers questions sincerely and simply, straight to the point.
After the mass for his parents on the eve of his inauguration, President elect Noynoy was asked what he prayed for. His answer, among other things, is for God to give him guidance and wisdom.
The Lord said through Matthew 23:12
A person who serves do not have to flaunt the help he is giving, for God knows what is in the heart of a person.
In the same manner, when you tithe, you do not have to announce it to the world.
Philippine President Nonoy is a humble person, he answers questions sincerely and simply, straight to the point.
After the mass for his parents on the eve of his inauguration, President elect Noynoy was asked what he prayed for. His answer, among other things, is for God to give him guidance and wisdom.
The Lord said through Matthew 23:12
For whoever himself will be hunbled, and whoever hunbles himself will be exalted.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Transparency International calls on Aquino to jail corrupt officials so says the news item. Michael Hershman, co-founder of Transparency International is calling for the persecution of corrupt officials in the Philippines, as President Noynoy Aquino promised to eradicate corruption in the country during the campaign period.
Please make good your promise, ask for restoration, but not "blood for blood".
From our Lord's wisdom:
Exodus 22:2-4
For more of the news on the Transparency International, Google it in this blog.
Please make good your promise, ask for restoration, but not "blood for blood".
From our Lord's wisdom:
Exodus 22:2-4
If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies,.
the defender is not guilty of bloodshed;
but if it happens after sunrise, he is guilty of bloodshed.
A thief must certainly make restitution,
but if he has nothing, he must be sold to pay for his theft.
If the stolen animal is found alive in his possession--whether
ox or donkey or sheep--he must pay back double
For more of the news on the Transparency International, Google it in this blog.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Worth emulating President
Except for the cigarettes, our 15th Philippine President Noy is worth emulating: God-centered, simple, humble, straightforward, and with God's wisdom.
I hope he would promote pro life (go against abortion), ban sex education in grade school, eradicate pornography, gambling, and corruption in the country. Your term is only for six years to accomplish it, but nothing is impossible with God, if you ask Him for help. God is with you, do not fear.
The more you will be blessed if you forgive especially the people who have hurt you the most, the killing of your father, our hero, Ninoy. Some people may be incarcerated for following orders from the top. After so many years in prison, they have been punished for so many years by taking their freedom. Please forgive them.
Please be guided by the scriptures:
I hope he would promote pro life (go against abortion), ban sex education in grade school, eradicate pornography, gambling, and corruption in the country. Your term is only for six years to accomplish it, but nothing is impossible with God, if you ask Him for help. God is with you, do not fear.
The more you will be blessed if you forgive especially the people who have hurt you the most, the killing of your father, our hero, Ninoy. Some people may be incarcerated for following orders from the top. After so many years in prison, they have been punished for so many years by taking their freedom. Please forgive them.
Please be guided by the scriptures:
2 Chronicles 7:14
if you my people , who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray and seek my face
and turn away from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins
and will heal their land.
Psalm 19:12
Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
Colossians 3:12-14
clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness and patience.
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances
you may have against one another.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
And over all these virtues put on love,
which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Matthew 18:21-22
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked,
"Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother
when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times , but seventy-seven times."
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Pres Noynoy and his inauguration
Pres Noynoy wants the vestige of martial law out. The inaugural will be held at the Quirino Grandstand less the inaugural parade to cut costs on June 30. He is preparing a short inaugural speech,
East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta, who was the only head of state who attended the wake of the late President Cory, is coming in for the June 30 inauguration.
For more of the news, go to
and go to Aquino to cancel parade, goes for short speech at inaugural
East Timor President Jose Ramos-Horta, who was the only head of state who attended the wake of the late President Cory, is coming in for the June 30 inauguration.
For more of the news, go to
and go to Aquino to cancel parade, goes for short speech at inaugural
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pres Aquino's Sisters
The Aquino sisters in an effort to help their brother President Noy, by distributing school supplies to the needy, are getting criticism, that they are part of the "Kamag -anak Inc" (Relatives Inc). They are spending their own money, and they are not getting paid for their charity work.
Aren't the members of the first family expected to do their part in charity work?
And besides the Lord says:
Proverbs: 19:17 He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,and He will reward him for what has done.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
President Nonoy Aquino
With the election of a God-loving president in the Philippines, majority of the Filipinos heaved a sigh of relief. At last we can anticipate a new dawn in the country.
The Filipinos have been suffering quietly, although there are exceptions, people who are very vocal about it.
May President Noynoy asks the guidance of the Lord on selecting the right people for his Cabinet:
people who are not only intelligent. but with compassion and with God's wisdom. Lay your 6-year plan to God.
Let's rally behind Pres Noy.
The Filipinos have been suffering quietly, although there are exceptions, people who are very vocal about it.
May President Noynoy asks the guidance of the Lord on selecting the right people for his Cabinet:
people who are not only intelligent. but with compassion and with God's wisdom. Lay your 6-year plan to God.
Let's rally behind Pres Noy.
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